Uri Guttman wrote:

> but what simon was saying (and i agree) is the the pair IS a single
> item. it becomes the key and its value is 'scalars'.

No. If it's a PAIR, then its key is the key and its value is the value.

> hashes can now take objects as keys and won't just stringify them.

Correct. But I believe that's only if the hash has a property that marks
its keys as being objects, not strings:

        my %hash is keyed(REF);

And, even if that's the default, it still oughtn't apply to PAIRs.
To get keys that are PAIRs, you should have to say:

        my %hash is keyed(PAIR);

>       @array = ( key => 1, key2 => 3, 4, 5 ) ;
>       %hash = @array ;
> what does that do? 3 pairs in the hash or 2 (the first pair is the key
> for the second pair)?

Three. As above. You'd get:

        %hash{'key'}  = 1;
        %hash{'key2'} = 2;
        %hash{'4'}    = 5;

> it comes down to how much perl6 will look inside the list data assigned
> to a hash. will it scan items and handle pairs specially 


> or just act like they are 1 item? 


> and i like pairs a lot. they make the => into something very useful and
> not just sugar. but i think the handling of pairs in hash assignment is
> still not on solid ground.

It is. It's just that that grounding has evidently not been adequately
communicated yet.

 > there needs to be some semantic way to select the hash assignment style

C<is keyed()>

 > and a proper definition of the default style.

See above.
And my other post on this topic.


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