Damian Conway wrote:

> Trey Harris wrote:
> > An alias?  Isn't
> >
> >   class Date is Really::Long::Package::Name::Ugh;
> >
> > a new class declaration, declaring 'Date' as a subclass of
> > Really::Long::Package::Name::Ugh?
> Yes. It's not an alias.

class Date is Really::Long::Package::Name::Ugh;

class DateManipulator;
our Date $date2manip;
....date manip methods here...

An external class is thus unable to do:
$DateManipulator::date2manip = new Really::Long::Package::Name::Ugh()

Is that correct? The above example is somewhat contrived, but I still
believe it illustrates a problem which *will* arise in practice.

Mike Lambert

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