On Sun, Sep 22, 2002 at 01:39:29PM -0500, Me wrote:
> So, how about something like:
>     :           # lock in current atom, ie as now
>     :]          # lock in surrounding group, currently ::
>     :>          # lock in surrounding rule, currently :::
>     :/          # lock in top level rule, currently <commit>
>     ://         # cut

I kinda like it, since :: and ::: look very similar to me, too. (I
don't buy the syntax highlighting argument, partly because I often
encounter code in b&w printouts, perlmonks, or wherever.) Though I'd
probably prefer <cut> stayed <cut>. And those mismatched brackets
bother me, too. What about

    :        -> :
    ::       -> :[]  or [:]
    :::      -> :<>  or <:>
    <commit> -> ://  or /:/
    <cut>    -> :<cut> or :cut or <:cut> or just stay <cut>

Then again, I've never been convinced of the similarity between : and
::. To me, a single colon is modifying another operation, so it's like
the ? non-greedy modifier. Is that incorrect? Everything else does
something when backtracked over; the only thing : has in common with
them is that it has something to do with backtracking.

Btw, is /:/ ambiguous? I can't remember if there's any way a /pattern/
can be followed by a colon.

Staring at the third column above, I can't help wondering if [:cut],
<:cut>, and /:cut/ would all be useful. But not enough to really think
about it and figure out what they would mean, exactly -- my brain and
<cut> are still having some marital difficulties.

> Thus, redoing a couple examples from synopsis 5:
>     m:w/ [ if   :] <expr> <block>
>          | for  :] <list> <block>
>          | loop :] <loop_controls>? <block>
>          ]
>     rule subname {
>         ([<alpha>|_] \w*) :/ { fail if %reserved{$1} }
>     }
>     m:w/ sub <subname>? <block> /

     m:w/ [ if   :[] <expr> <block>
          | for  :[] <list> <block>
          | loop :[] <loop_controls>? <block>
     rule subname {
         ([<alpha>|_] \w*) :// { fail if %reserved{$1} }
     m:w/ sub <subname>? <block> /


     m:w/ [ if   [:] <expr> <block>
          | for  [:] <list> <block>
          | loop [:] <loop_controls>? <block>
     rule subname {
         ([<alpha>|_] \w*) /:/ { fail if %reserved{$1} }
     m:w/ sub <subname>? <block> /

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