On Lundi 23 Septembre 2002 10:33, Josef Hook wrote :
> I would really apreciate if someone would like to work on multiarrays.

Okay, I volunteer for this, 'cause it's one of the things I really really 
need for my Befunge-98 interpreter. And everyone knows (or should know) that 
supporting Befunge is the final goal of Parrot! :-)

> Im sorry i havent responded in a resonable amount of time, im very very
> busy at the moment with other things then parrot..

Well, I'm quite busy too, so don't expect it to be done soon (and if someone 
wants it to be fixed really fast, erm, send patches ;) ).

> Does anyone feel like it's something they would like todo. It's not rocket
> science, though very good project for someone who havent written pmc's
> before and would like to learn.

Well, I think I'm the one targeted fot this business.
But then I must:
 - understand how multiarray work
 - understand vtables

And if I trust #parrot's last week topic, then vtables are to be redefined... 
So, should I really begin to dig into the code, or should I wait for Dan to 
fix vtables?

> If i've understood Dan correctly initializing a multiarray should follow
> this syntax:
>  new P0, .Key
>  set P0[1000;2000;300]
>  new P1, .Multiarray, P0
> or similar.

If "similar", then what's the wanted syntax? And who defines it? Dan?
When will it be defined?

I took a look at parrot/classes/key.pmc and parrot/key.c but could not 
understand how one could retrieve the nth value of a key... And documentation 
for keys is kind of terse...

> Here's a todo list:
> * add init_marray call in set_integer, set_pmc etc... should fix
>    initialization

Should not be too hard, but I'd rather understand the whole thing before 
patching it.

> I almost forgot current implementation
> dosent support dynamic growth.. feel free to solve that problem :-)

Well, that's the first thing I saw when I took a glance at multiarray.pmc
I wondered: "but what if one want to redim its array?". I guess I have my 
answer now :-(

Oh, btw. In multiarray.pmc you're talking about matrix (such as "see 
expand_matrix() for that") but I could not find where is this matrix stuff 
(and remember, the joke has already been made ;-) )...
Oh, btw(2). Where is enum_class_Key defined? a grep -r on the whole parrot 
sources just finds use of enum_class_Key, not where it's defined.


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