> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Gibbs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]


> An interesting question, not discussed when the change was
> initiated, relates to property assignments eg
>   new P0, .PerlArray
>   set P0, 6

> This most certainly does not set register P0 to six, so the 'set'
> opcode should not apply, but it is also not really an assignment
> either. Any thoughts?

there is a similar problem with subs

  new P0, .Sub
  set P0, <some label>

I guess the problem is that set is being used for too much? 
This is the way I thought things were headed: set_x_x just 
moves a pointer or a value, possibly needing a cast, copy or

  $1 = $2;
  $1 = string_from_num($2);

While assign_p_x calls the appropriate vtable method

  $1->vtable->set_pmc(interpreter, $1, $2);
  $1->vtable->set_integer_native(interpreter, $1, $2);

The above .Sub and .PerlArray examples could be handled 

  op new(out PMC, in INT, in PMC)
  op new(out PMC, in INT, in INT)

instead of the set op. I think this separation could be 
more clear, but I suppose this leaves some cases out. So
maybe a set_property op? Though some things could be left
to _methods_ instead of ops.

Jonathan Sillito

> The primary goal of the exercise was to be able to distinguish
> between 'set P0, P1' which simply sets the P0 register equal to
> the P1 register, and 'assign P0, P1' which would, somehow,
> cause the existing PMC referenced by P0 to acquire the value
> of the PMC referenced by P1 (via the vtable method set_pmc).
> How to achieve this has never been resolved. The changes of
> the other 'set P0, xxx' opcodes to 'assign' are basically for
> consistency.
> --
> Peter Gibbs
> EmKel Systems

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