Thanks, if it's looking like lvalues are really out I'll edit that draft
to take out the lvalue stuff and do it the other way.  (And if Damian's
happy with slots, that probably means we can get a lot of the other
attribute recipies out of the way pretty quick.  Huzzah!)

I had mixed feelings about defining and using a term like "slots" in a
draft that could mutate into a faq/tutorial, and went back and forth on
it (haven't done Self in years, and never in a non-academic setting.) 
Think, think... Well, no, screw it: the best philosophy is to present
and (re)define the terms ourselves, as many as we need, but perhaps with
a footnote on language of origin.  We don't want to invent new
terminology, we want to reuse it.  Duh.  :-P

If no objections, we'll use the term "slots" to mean the aforementioned
attribute/method symmetry.  I'll edit the text to give a proposed perl6
"glossary" definition.


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