> I think it would be cool if there were a way to pull the arguments out
> to the front, because then we really could write in Japanese word order:
>     @args wa $*OUT de print yo!
> : also , is  here the following  DWIMmery in place 
> : 
> : sub pairs   ( $x,$y ){ $x => $y } ;
> : sub triples ( $x,$y,$z ){ {$x,$y,$z} };   
> : @a ~~ &pairs ~~ &triples ; 
> : 
> : ? 
> : 
> : so that ~~ will wrap "for" loop around "pairs" and "tripples" , 
> : similar to "-n" perl flag ; 

> This doesn't make sense to me.  If you're trying to pass the parsed topic list
> to them, they should be returning a boolean value.  If you're trying to return
> a set of values to be compared against @a, Perl's not going to also pass @a
> to your functions.

so maybe it will be usefull to have " smart argument binding "
operator . it will not be used a lot so it can have long name. 

~> . 

map &triples, map &pairs, @a 

map is doing piping right-to-left ; 
but operations happens in reverse order to 
the order in which we read
it . 

"for" doit in 'normal' order but  

for @a { 
  &pairs ;
  &triples ;

is totally different and  

for for @a, &pairs , &triples 

looks strange . and we have to adjust "for" count to number of "steps"

so maybe 

@a ~> &pairs ~> &triples ; 



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