On Thu, 24 Oct 2002, Chris Dutton wrote:
: Also, this brings to mind the one thing I actually remember about 
: Sather, and as long as we're discussing operators...
: Will we have similar to Sather's "::="?  That was essentially the 
: "statically type this variable at run-time based on the type of it's 
: initial value" operator.

I was thinking ::= would be a := variant that binds at compile time.

A "latchy" operator seems a bit weird to me.  I'm not sure what it
buys you that you couldn't get more straightforwardly through eval.
It's a bit like the /o modifier on regexes.  If you don't know the
type at compile time, it's unlikely that you'll want to nail it down
to the first type that comes along when other types might also want
to use the same code generically.


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