On Sat, 26 Oct 2002, Damian Conway wrote:
: I suspect disjunctive superpositions will get a great deal
: of use as sets, and so the ability to add an element to an
: existing set:
:       $set |= $new_element;
: might be appreciated. But it's no big thing.

Or maybe it is a big thing.  People keep asking why they can't say

    $a[1][2] = 2;
    $a[1]{a} = "A";     # type error?

Well, maybe they can now:

    $union = [1,2,4,8];
    $union |= {a => "A", b => "B", c => "C"};

    $union[2]   # 4
    $union{a}   # "A"

It's not just a union, of course.  You can go on to say:

    $union |= {a => "ant", b => "bug", c => "catepilllar"};

    $union{a}   # "A" | "ant"

That's all assuming that [] and {} (and (), for that matter) actually
select only appropriate refs from the superposition of refs.


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