Brent Dax wrote:
> Larry Wall:
> # There's also an issue of what (1..10) - 1 would or should
> # mean, if anything. Does it mean (1..9)?  Does 1 + (1..10)

Actually, I would at first glance think, based on the parens, that:


.... and if someone has been playing a lot with the superposition stuff,
that is probably what they would indeed expect.  That's also a valuable
interpretation, since it means you can say things like

        (1..$n) * 10

And get a list (10,20,...) without having to change $n.

However, by the same logic,

        @array * 10
        @array [*] 10

which it doesn't.  So maybe the correct interpretation of the above is
indeed this:

    (1..10)-1       # (1..10).length-1, e.g. 9  (oops!)

    (1..10) [-] 1   # (0..9)   (correct, if that's WYM)

meaning that (1..10)-1 almost always does The Wrong Thing(!)


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