Will there be some shorter-hand way to say these?

        @a = @grades[grep $_ >= 90, @grades];
        @b = @grades[grep 80 <= $_ < 90, @grades];
        @c = @grades[grep 70 <= $_ < 80, @grades];

Granted, it's fairly compact as it is but I'm wondering if there's
some way to not have to mention @grades twice per statement.
Something like:

        @a = @grades[$^_ >= 90];
        @b = @grades[80 <= $^_ < 90];
        @c = @grades[70 <= $^_ < 80];

BTW, is there some other name for these things?  I only know to call
them "list comprehensions" from python.  I've used the concept in
other languages as well but never was it named.

Jonathan Scott Duff

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