On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 04:26:58PM -0800, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
> So what say you?  Can we migrate perl6-language into a list that 
> finalizes aspects of the design, documents them, and revises them as 
> needed, rather than our usual circular discussions of things already 
> long-since past?

What would be useful would be a big map of all that is or might be
perl 6.  Items that are still in flux could be marked as such and have
pointers to the relevant mail thread(s).  Items that are finalized
could have links to the documentation that describes those items.

As for who updates the map of the onion and its associated
documentation, I don't know. It should be a small group of people
(perhaps only one) though. Right now, I guess it's just Allison.

Jonathan Scott Duff

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