On Thu, Nov 07, 2002 at 01:36:07PM -0600, Me wrote:
: > is *1* _all_ that topic is about ?
: Sorta. To quote an excellent summary:
:     "Topic is $_". 

A "real" topicalizer also sets a topicalizer scope that can be broken out of.

: > also 
: > 
: > @a :=  ( $a, $b) 
: Er, I don't think (it makes sense that) you
: can bind to a literal.

Well, it makes as much sense as binding it in a function parameter.  In this
case it'd be equivalent to

    @a :=  [ $a, $b ]

That is, it's bound to a temporary.

: > $b := $c 
: > @a[1] = 10 ; 
: > print $c # prints 10 

No, the [...] copies values upon composing the anonymous array.


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