On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 06:49:57PM -0700, Sean M. Burke wrote:
: Larry Wall wrote on Tue, 12 Nov 2002 11:40:05 -0800:
: >could certainly talk about improvements.  As for per-document policy, 
: >there should certainly be some kind of
: >
: >    =use module
: >
: >directive that, like Perl's C<use>, is something more than just an 
: >"include".
: I thought about putting something of the sort into perldpodspec and 
: Pod::Simple, but didn't see a particularly clean way to have it so that 1) 
: you wouldn't have to depend on a particular Pod-parsing module, and which 
: 2) could work in cases where the Pod-parser and the formatter are sanely 
: segregated.

I'd say that neither of those characteristics is true of Perl 5's C<use>,
and yet that's how we got CPAN.  Cleanliness is nice, but extensibility
is crucial.


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