Dave Storrs writes:
 > Good point.  I volunteered to be keeper of the glossary a while ago,
 > but I never actively started creating one.  That said, let's make this
 > the first entry.  Comments and constructive criticisms welcomed from
 > all comers.

I tryed to "cut in stone" ( but this is very far from it being so )
the answers to my many annoying questions.  This is just summary of
the answers to my questions . ( though I myself feel that "fomulated"
they became less clear than in the form of questions and answers . )
anyway hope  this may be of  help .


I provide the references : 
Apo3, Exe3, 
=ref Topic
=ref Variables, assign, bind
=ref sigil

=begin Glossary

=section variables , containers , values 
 variable provides a "view" of the value. By itself it is an
 association between a ( variable ) name and ( variable ) container .  

 * name is entry in one of symbol-tables . it is subject to scope and
   lifetime restrictions enforced by symbol-table . Its first
   character may be a *sigil* , in that case it is subject to
   additional ... magic. 
 * container is a "box" that contain a value (??? it cannot contain
   nothing -- at worse it contain value undef ???).  Container's
   life-circle , its life or death question is controlled by only one
   RULE: "Be referred by something" : container is dead as soon as it
   is not referred by anybody. 
   There are several
   basic classes of "variable containers" in perl . 


 * value is ... value -- some ( scalar ) number that is of value to
   you . Similar to containers , value is alife till it is referenced
   by ( contained in ) at least one container . 

it is important to note : perl manipulate the values only *through*
associated with them containers. ( pictorially -- it can "view" values
only through the "spectacles" of the container ). hence if several
"variable names" happen to be bound to ( reffering ) *the same*
container ( as it may be enforced using := operator , see *aliasing* )
then operations on any of the bound names will affect the value . 

examples : 

$a = 5 

can be pictorially described as 

name      '$a' 
container (.)  
value  (number 5)

??? here have to be a lot more of *good* examples ????

=section sigil

in perl several classes of variables containers have to be associated
with (directly bound to ) a varable name that begin with a special
character corresponding to a container type . This speial character is
called *sigil*. Currently perl have 4 different sigils. Sigil is user
extensible in the sence that it is possible to define new user defined
fully functional sigil.  The "standart sigil characters are

'$scalar' - name for all scalar containers
'@array'  -              array  containers
'%hash'                  hash   containers 
'&closure'               code   # but in program & may be omitted 

from the point of view of functionality the sigil do the following : 
* every variable declared or first used is marked by perl by
  additional property "is Scalar" . these two are equivalent 

  my $a ; 
  my $a is Scalar ; 

  so perl *notice* the sigil and add additional property "is Scalar"
  to the variable container associated with name '$a' , which ( the
  prperty ) from that on controll all the functionality of *variable


=section symbol-tables

symbol-table is table ( actually implemented as a named hash, see
below ) that lists (subset of) known *symbols* also known as
variable/subroutine/class/... *names*.  everything in the text of a
program except *keywords* and *operators* and ( ??? ) are *symbols* in
the above sense.  perl has several types of symbol tables. Every name
in the symbol-table is *bound* to *variable container* ( of the type
corresponding to its sigil if there is a sigil ).

In particular there are the following classes of symbol-tables:
*  special global symbol-table named "*" . many built-in functions
   live there , e.g.  *print is fully qualified name of "core" print
   function ( ???may this is a bad example ???? )  
*  every lexical scope , including outmost lexical scope - the file
   scope - have associated with it symbol-table that list lexical
   variables declared ( or first used ??? use/no strict ??? ) in that
   scope. This symbol-table is named "MY" . new names are introduced into
   that symbol-table by keyword "my" .

   my $a ; 
   introduce new entry '$a' in the symbol-table associated with
   innermost enclosing lexical scope. its value can be alternatively
   accessed as %MY::{'$a'} .  the scope of the name ( where it is
   "visible" ) is below the declaration up to the end of the
   scope. its lifetime is same of the lexical scope itself .

* ????
  every class/package have associated symbol-table . So name in the
  class/package symbol table can be accessed in any of this ways : 

  class MyPackage{ 
   our $thing ; 
   print $thing ; 
????   print $MyPackage::thing ;  #????
   print %MyPackage{'$thing'} ; 

* "our" keyword. 
  it is special in the sense that it declares *lexical*
  variable ( in the innermost enclosing lexical scope ) while binding
  it to the variable of the same name in the current package

it is important to note , that symbol-table list names of variables
not the containers themselves. containers are inherently anonymous . 

=section properties (as a concept)

 perl have two types of properties : 
 * compile-time properties : attached to container . they are
   introduced with operator "is" . they restrict/enrich/divert the
   *view of content* of the container by perl - in other words , they
   change give additional properties/information/behavior to a
   *container* .
 * run-time properties : they are introduced with operator "but"
   . they are attached to values and provide some additional
   information/behavior to  the *value* object itself .

it is very important to note in particular : properties are *not*
attached to names -- they are attached to containers ( compile-time
properties ) or to values ( run-time properties ) . 


#here perl will not allow ( throw exception ) to change the content of
#the container associated with '$a'
my $x is constant ; 

my $x is Scalar is type(returns int) ; 
my Scalar $x returns int ; 
my $x is Scalar of int ; 
my &foo is Code returns int (int $x ) { ... } ; 
my &foo is Code returns int is sig(int $x ) is block { ... } ; 

# ??? here the container associated with *package variable* $s ( see
# *symbol-tables -> our keyword * ) is marked "is private" which cause
# perl interpreter to throw exception any time somebody *in addition*
# to the package symbol-table entry '$s' tries to refer or be bound to
# that container ( not to speak of seeing or changing its value )
sub foo{
 our $s  is private ; 

??? a lot more examples ???

=section assignment vs binding 

* A =  B ; 
  "assign" means : 
          evaluate the *value* on the right hand side and
          *distribute* it ( value ) among the containers ( which if
          needed should be created/changed ) on the left .

* A := B ; 
   *alias* or *bind* variable containers to names : 
          take a hold of containers on the right hand side and
          *distribute* them (containers ) among ( bind them to )
          *names* on the left.

there is a special binding operator ::= that is same as := but force
binding to happen at compile time . 

so , again , 

* after the assignment ( variables at ) left and right hand sides
  refer to the same values through different ( independent )
  containers.  ( modulo some Copy on Write magic ) . 

* after the binding -- ( names at ) right and left hand sides refer to
  the same containers.

as a consequence, run-time properties are "passed" ( from the variable
on the right side to variables on the left ) in both cases , since
they are attached to values . compile-time properties are "passed"
only at binding since they are attached to containers .

=section $_ , and other special variables . 

  * $_ is always lexical 
  * every lexical scope , including the outmost lexical scope -- file
    scope have implicit "my $_ ; " at the top ;

=section topic 

* topic is current value of lexical variable $_ ; 
* it may be set or aliased explicitly or 
* there are special constructs that ( possibly among other things )
  sets or bind $_ to something *in associated with them lexical scope*
  for you . those constructs are called "topicalizers" because they
  set or  bind $_ . they are also called *explicit* topicalizers because
  they certainly set $_ to something. 

  ???? From that point of view all
  other lexical scopes are *implicit* topicaliers because they do not
  touch $_ , although you can or $_ from outer scope can be visible .

examples of topicalizers : 
* given 
  given $x { ... $_ is bound to $x here ( but is read only ) ... } 

  bind $_ to $x ( $_ := $x ) inside { ... } lexical scope 

* -> 
  given $x -> $y { ... $_ is bound to $y ( but is read only ) ... }

  now the closure belongs to -> topicalizer . -> among other things
  binds $_ inside the closure to the
  first argument to the closure ( $y ) .

* for 
* method 

the *only* additional ( apart from manipulating $_ ) difference
between explicit and implicit topicalizers is that block ( closure )
associated with explicit topicalizer can be "break"ed out by something


        leave topic ; 

so in some sense "topic" is one of the names of that block .

=section topicalizer scope ( explicit/implicit ) 

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