On Tuesday, November 19, 2002, at 10:26  PM, Dave Storrs wrote:
I would assume that 0B0110, 0C0123, and 0X00FF are all equivalent to
the forms with lower-case base markers, right?
Huh, dunno.  Let's ask for a ruling on that.

    -0xff       # ok
    -0x00ff     # ok
Are these two identical?

Is 0x-ff an error?  (I would say yes.)

    0x_ff       # ok
Wait a minute...the rule is that underscore can only appear between
digits.  Here, the 'x' is not a digit, it is a base marker.
Therefore, shouldn't this be an error?
Oops, yes. Sorry. Though we could probably allow it without ambiguity, if people wanted it. Same with 1.234_e_5.

The more I think on it, the more it seems like the negative sign
should really go to the right of the colon (20:-1GJ)...otherwise, it
really does look like you're using a negative radix (is that even
possible?).  I realize this is out of step with the traditional -0xff,
but it still seems like The Right Thing to me...what do other people
Larry said -20:1GJ, because (paraphrasing) the '-' is a unary operator meaning "negate", not a part of the literal number itself. So you're specifying the number 20:1GJ, then negating it.

    62:zZ       # base 62 (?)
    62:z.Z      # base 62 (identical?)
    62:z_Z      # base 62 (identical?)
    62:Zz       # base 62 (not identical?)
Yes, that part shouldn't be in there anymore, we indeed nixed it. Can't use letters with radix > 36, have to use the coloned form.

   (radix 33-RADIX_MAX)

   256:   # base 256
   256:0_253_254_255   # base 256
Are these two intended to be identical or not?  I expect not...the
first should be a 4 digit number and the second a 10 digit number.
Yes, they're very different.

I'll post a follow up with all the corrections.


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