The tests look Great!  A couple of remarks

The exponential test in numeric.t
I think the last two numbers should be

The Infinity test in numeric.t
Shouldn't you print $a...if not, why have it?

The Binary test in radii.t
I think Larry ruled that 0B0110 was an had to be 0b0110.
Also, if the number is represented in binary, won't it still print in
decimal?  You have it
printing in binary.
The same comments apply to the octal test (also, is it 0c or 0o?), and the
hex test.

Also, with all tests, I thought that the number should be printed in
decimal, not the radix it
is written in.  This will also fill in the ???? in the dotted notation as it
will also print in decimal.

In string.t

Does q)hi( really DWIM??  I haven't kept up with it, so I didn't know...that
is really odd if so.

String concat is now ~ instead of _

In interpolation.t

There is an extra ' at the end of the single quoted test's output
The print should not be in the output of
print '$x' ... it should just be $x

In the one two three example, I thought arrays, when interpolated, did not
add spaces between their elements, such that the output should be
instead of
one two three
You seem to agree with this in the later array interpolation section where
"@(1, 2)" becomes
instead of
1 2

Does a list still return its last element in scalar context?  I thought I
remembered something about that changing?

Also conversion.t is just a messed up version of interpolation.t in my


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