> you propose a mechanism of passing [vars]
> between desired subroutins by default
> through all the dynamical chain of sub
> calls "connecting them.

There's more, or rather, less to it than that.

The same mechanism also includes a clean way
to pass "it", something that needs to be done.

And a way to smoothly extend that for user
defined "pronouns" like $first, $rest and
$last, through to mini-vocabularies like
$source, $target, $user, ...

(Imagine you pull in fop1, fop2, fop3 that
are file ops written by three independent
authors that just agreed to conventions on
naming args. With the mechanism I propose
you can now do something like:

    my $source, $target, $user;

To get this sort of simplicity, you have
to decouple inter-sub interfaces in a
couple ways, including arg positions and
package names.)

So I'm addressing several idioms that range
from passing one or two pronouns around in
the local vicinity, between a caller and a
called sub, to passing a whole suite of
values (an "environment") to an execution
thread and the far away subs it will contain.

> anyway, my feeling is that once it is
> necessary to pass variable far enough
> it is clearer to do it with globals --
> which are restricted to be seen only
> in the restricted set of lexical scopes. 

That's name restriction, not the container.
This doesn't help when dealing with threads.
Basically, global /containers/ is the root
of all evil, not so much global names.

> package ... ;
> sub a { our $x is shared ; ... } ;
> sub b { our $x is shared ; ... } ;

This isn't thread-safe.

There are other significant issues too, but
I'll move on.

> [accidentally aliasing vars to the same global]
> I dont know how to stop this source of errors.

Having lots of little local namespaces that
get chained across long distances does away
with this problem.


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