James Mastros wrote:
> On 11/17/2002 1:11 AM, Dave Storrs wrote:
> > Arrays know how to manage their own size; they will grow 
> > and shrink as needed when you add or remove elements.  You
> > never need to worry about whether an array has enough space
> > to hold the number of elements you are about to insert.
> Reference to fixed-size lists, where this isn't true?

Do we have such a thing? In Perl5:
  use constant foo => [1,2,3];
  print foo()->[0]++;
  print " @{foo()}";

results in:

  1 2 2 3

Does Perl6 have fixed size lists? Do we have fixed size lists with fixed
elements? I.e., literal arrays?

>   In purticuar, /there is no such thing as a list in scalar
> context/. There is mearly an application of the scalar comma
> operator, and spacing that makes it look like a list.  The
> context propigation rules say that there is no way for a
> list in scalar context to happen. 

Here I believe you are wrong.

Larry Wall, A2, RFC 175:
> the explicit list composer:
>     [1,2,3]
> is syntactic sugar for something like:
>     scalar(list(1,2,3));

> The documentation shouldn't
> say things like a list returns it's last element whereas an
> array returns it's size, because it simply ain't so, and 
> causes confusion.  (I'd write an RFC suggesting that the 
> scalar comma op dies, but it's too late, and I'm sure
> somebody already did.  Anyway, that's a p6l thing too.)

This was covered in Apoc2. An explict list in scalar context returns a list
reference. An array in scalar context returns an array reference. Or as

Larry (A2, RFC 009) wrote:
> it has to be possible to assign array references to array
> variables without accidentally invoking list context and 
> copying the list instead of the reference to the list. We 
> could invent another assignment operator to distinguish 
> the two cases, but at the moment it looks as though bare 
> variables and slices will behave as lvalues just as they 
> do in Perl 5, while lists in parentheses will change to 
> a binding of the right-hand arguments more closely 
> resembling the way Perl 6 will bind formal arguments to 
> actual arguments for function calls. That is to say,
>     @foo = (1,2,3);
> will supply an unbounded list context to the right side, but
>     (@foo, @bar) = (@bar, @foo)
> will supply a context to the right side that requests two 
> scalar values that are array references. 

Garrett Goebel
IS Development Specialist

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