On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 at 06:22:56PM +0100, Jerome Quelin wrote:
> Hi,
> Would it be possible to rename the $PARROT/languages/Befunge-93 
> directory into $PARROT/languages/befunge   ?
> Indeed, as soon as parrot will support objects, I'll implement the 
> befunge 98 specs, and the same interpreter will be able to interpret 93 
> ou 98 befunge code... 
> I'm sorry, 'cause I know cvs does not handle very well directory 
> renaming.

This seems to be a good idea. I'd commit it, except that it needs more
than commit access to move a directory with CVS. Who has enough shell
access to cvs.perl.org to do this? [assuming it does want to be done?]

Nicholas Clark

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