Jerome Quelin wrote:

On Vendredi 29 Novembre 2002 19:02, you wrote:
This makes me think... A PerlArray can hold PMCs... So I can have a PerlArray of PerlArrays:

This is always ok.

        set P10, P2[1]
        set I0, P10[0]

or directly:
	set I0, P2[1;0]

It seems to work, and it is (sort of) expandable in every dimension (so long as I'm carefully expand all the PerlArrays correctly). Is there any reason not to use this trick?

No, not as long as you are using PMCs. Multiarrays shine for big packed arrays.

The initializer list works in pairs. So, I have two questions:
* why such a scheme, instead of using the indexes ot the list / array / perlarray?

You should ask the author of the cited pddd02 ;-)

* what are the mandatory fields? size and array dimensions?


Then, why does the test set the size to 100 instead of 50 (10*5)?
Maybe that's why I've been so long to understand the examples...

I'll change that - sorrry for the confusion.



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