: Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: Joseph F. Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Perhaps only first level references should stringify nicely, and inner
> references stringify perl5 style.  I think that if Data::Dumper style
> stringification is wanted, then a C<< use Data::Dumper; >> shouldn't
> anger too many people.  This would solve circular referencing, at
> least.

That's the question of whether stringification will strictly be
serializing, or whether that will be a method call and stringification
should "look pretty" or "be useful".  I prefer the latter.

> >Is this true? We changed the numeric octal shorthand base to 0c777, so
> >what sense does \o for octal charcters make? (Unfornatly, we can't use \c,
> >since that's taken for control charcters.) IIRC, somebody had mentioned
> >just getting rid of \o altogether. People don't think in octal.
> Last time I remember an official decision, it was \o; however, I've
> been a bit out of the loop that last couple of days, so I could be
> wrong here.

I remember hearing that the octal shorthand was 0o777.
Right, so octal stringification shorthand would be "\o777".

> >>Within an interpolated string, interpolation of expressions can be
> >>stopped by \Q.
> >(Which acts somewhat like a non-breaking space.)

I though \Q...\E was leaving in favor of \Q{...}
It is; however, there is a null \Q that acts to break up
interpolated expressions; take a look at

http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2001/05/03/wall.html#rfc 328: single quotes don't interpolate \' and \\

Under the "Weird Brackets" section.

> >I think we need a non-optional space to follow the << in the case of
> >double-quotes to disambuilage with <<>> qw lists.
> Apoc 2 explicitly states that the space will be optional.

But Apoc 2 thought that <<qw stuff>> was spelled < qw stuff >.  I
really don't know whether it should or not.
Thats true; why exactly was <> abandoned in favor of <<>> in the first place?

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