
I've been building parrot for a while, and this problem has just started
in the last day or two. The 'imcc.y' file doesn't agree with bison ...

$ cd languages/imcc
$ make
bison -v -y -d -o imcparser.c imcc.y
imcc.y:530.10-531.19: type clash on default action: <i> != <>
make: *** [imcparser.c] Error 1
$ bison --version
bison (GNU Bison) 1.75d

bison-1.75d is built from CVS. The bison I've pulled from
debian-unstable (1.75-1.1) also doesn't like the file ...

$ /usr/bin/bison -v -y -d -o imcparser.c imcc.y
imcc.y:530.10-531.19: type clash (`i' `') on default action

I've had no trouble building parrot, and it has no problems with the
test suite on my machine (i586-pc-linux-gnu).

Art Haas

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety.
 -- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

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