Dan Sugalski wrote:

At 9:35 AM +0100 12/4/02, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

Doese odd twiddling include the Buffer/PMC unification?

Yup. This'd be a good time to do that.

So the question is, how should the final "Parrot Object" look like. I did send a test program on Oct. 25th which got warnocked:

Re: [RFC] Buffer/PMC unification, variable/value vtable split, tied scalars

Via save manipulating ops or just pass over e.g. flags?

Everything in the pmc struct will be readable. I think everything'll be writable, though there are some issues with that.

I would encapsulate the access into the ops:

set_pmc_internals pmc, what, data

set I0, .PmcFflags
set I1, .MemIsMalloced
set_pmc_internals P0, I0, I1

This is expandable and save.
Setting arbitrary flags/fields could do really Bad Things.


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