Dave Storrs wrote:
On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 10:37:10PM -0700, Luke Palmer wrote:

Why use regexen when you can just use junctions?

   my $foos = 'foo' ~ any(0..9) ~ any(0..9);

At what moment does a junction actually create all of its states?

Hmm...perhaps a clearer way to say that is "At what moment does a
junction allocate memory for, and initialize that memory with, all of
its states?"
That will have to be done lazily in some cases at least:

	if $input == any(13...);

so maybe it should be done lazily in all cases.

- the ability for the programmer to set "limiters" (??better name??)
on the junction, which will specify how the junction should
collapse--e.g. always collapse to the lowest/highest value that hasn't
been supplied yet, or to the lowest/highest unsupplied value that
causes a particular code block to return true, or whatever.
Junctions don't "collapse". They distribute.

Remember: Junctions Aren't Quantum.


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