If memory serves me right, K Stol wrote:
> I'm thinking of a compiler for Tcl which produces Parrot Assembly code, 
> but the source language (which will be compiled) is not definite yet. 

Instead of generating Parrot assembly, you might find it easier to 
generate imcc code which is a simplified form . This takes care of the
register allocation involved in Parrot assembly generation and spill
over of registers. Writing your own register allocator is not advisable
(unless you want to tear your hair out in bits & peices).

> I have basic knowledge on compiler construction, but I think I can make 
> a good start. The implementation language I'll use will most probably be C. 

If you're going to use C , please take a look at TreeCC which is a 
compiler tool for simplifying Syntax Tree traversal . It was developed
for the DotGNU compiler collection and being used to build the C# & C
compilers now. (http://www.southern-storm.com.au/treecc.html)

flex+bison+treecc has been demonstrated with multiple codegens (IL,Parrot)
at http://symonds.net/~gopalv82/code/expr_compiler.tgz

Hope it helps,
The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

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