Pardon me for reopening a can of particularly slimy worms, but are we
sure we want to require all architecture/os/compiler combinations to
be able to scan all hardware registers for live pointers? This is
looking more and more problematic. For example, IA64 is kind of
similar to Parrot itself: it has two stacks, one for return addresses
and one for register "windows" (not quite the same as Sparc register
windows). setjmp() will not get all of those; you have to do an
asm("flushrs") at least. There seem to be several ways of flushing the
register windows on the Sparc, depending on exactly what version of
things you have.

For a full description of what you would need to do to support most of
the possibilities out there (but still not be complete), I've attached
the relevant file from the Boehm garbage collector. I don't know if we
can use the code therein. (Apparently the Mono people are using the
Boehm collector, btw.)

I propose that we have configure probes for the variations that we can
support, but have everything else (including miniparrot) fall back to
a registration scheme. In other words, whenever you allocate a
collectible pointer and don't immediately anchor it to something, you
have to pass it to a PIN_POBJ(p) macro, and once it's anchored, you
call RELEASE_POBJ(p). Or something like that. That way, we're always
correct. In configurations that someone cared about enough to
implement register scanning, we will also avoid the common-case
overhead of pin/release (by making the macros expand to nothing.)

I'm saying this from a rather naive perspective, since I really don't
know how difficult this would be to implement. But right now we're a
long ways away from being correct on all architectures, and forgive my
cowardly conservative attitude, but I really do think that correctness
trumps performance. :-)
 * Copyright 1988, 1989 Hans-J. Boehm, Alan J. Demers
 * Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved.
 * Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program
 * for any purpose,  provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
 * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
 * provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
 * modified is included with the above copyright notice.
/* Boehm, November 17, 1995 12:13 pm PST */
# include "private/gc_priv.h"
# include <stdio.h>
# include <setjmp.h>
# if defined(OS2) || defined(CX_UX)
#   define _setjmp(b) setjmp(b)
#   define _longjmp(b,v) longjmp(b,v)
# endif
# ifdef AMIGA
#   ifndef __GNUC__
#     include <dos.h>
#   else
#     include <machine/reg.h>
#   endif
# endif

#if defined(__MWERKS__) && !defined(POWERPC)

asm static void PushMacRegisters()
    sub.w   #4,sp                   // reserve space for one parameter.
    move.l  a2,(sp)
    jsr         GC_push_one
    move.l  a3,(sp)
    jsr         GC_push_one
    move.l  a4,(sp)
    jsr         GC_push_one
#   if !__option(a6frames)
        // <pcb> perhaps a6 should be pushed if stack frames are not being used.    
        move.l  a6,(sp)
        jsr             GC_push_one
#   endif
        // skip a5 (globals), a6 (frame pointer), and a7 (stack pointer)
    move.l  d2,(sp)
    jsr         GC_push_one
    move.l  d3,(sp)
    jsr         GC_push_one
    move.l  d4,(sp)
    jsr         GC_push_one
    move.l  d5,(sp)
    jsr         GC_push_one
    move.l  d6,(sp)
    jsr         GC_push_one
    move.l  d7,(sp)
    jsr         GC_push_one
    add.w   #4,sp                   // fix stack.

#endif /* __MWERKS__ */

# if defined(SPARC) || defined(IA64)
    /* Value returned from register flushing routine; either sp (SPARC) */
    /* or ar.bsp (IA64)                                                 */
    word GC_save_regs_ret_val;
# endif

/* Routine to mark from registers that are preserved by the C compiler. */
/* This must be ported to every new architecture.  There is a generic   */
/* version at the end, that is likely, but not guaranteed to work       */
/* on your architecture.  Run the test_setjmp program to see whether    */
/* there is any chance it will work.                                    */

void GC_push_regs()
#       ifdef RT
          register long TMP_SP; /* must be bound to r11 */
#       endif

#       ifdef VAX
          /* VAX - generic code below does not work under 4.2 */
          /* r1 through r5 are caller save, and therefore     */
          /* on the stack or dead.                            */
          asm("pushl r11");     asm("calls $1,_GC_push_one");
          asm("pushl r10");     asm("calls $1,_GC_push_one");
          asm("pushl r9");      asm("calls $1,_GC_push_one");
          asm("pushl r8");      asm("calls $1,_GC_push_one");
          asm("pushl r7");      asm("calls $1,_GC_push_one");
          asm("pushl r6");      asm("calls $1,_GC_push_one");
#       endif
#       if defined(M68K) && (defined(SUNOS4) || defined(NEXT))
        /*  M68K SUNOS - could be replaced by generic code */
          /* a0, a1 and d1 are caller save          */
          /*  and therefore are on stack or dead.   */
          asm("subqw #0x4,sp");         /* allocate word on top of stack */

          asm("movl a2,sp@");   asm("jbsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("movl a3,sp@");   asm("jbsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("movl a4,sp@");   asm("jbsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("movl a5,sp@");   asm("jbsr _GC_push_one");
          /* Skip frame pointer and stack pointer */
          asm("movl d1,sp@");   asm("jbsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("movl d2,sp@");   asm("jbsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("movl d3,sp@");   asm("jbsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("movl d4,sp@");   asm("jbsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("movl d5,sp@");   asm("jbsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("movl d6,sp@");   asm("jbsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("movl d7,sp@");   asm("jbsr _GC_push_one");

          asm("addqw #0x4,sp");         /* put stack back where it was  */
#       endif

#       if defined(M68K) && defined(HP)
        /*  M68K HP - could be replaced by generic code */
          /* a0, a1 and d1 are caller save.  */
          asm("subq.w &0x4,%sp");       /* allocate word on top of stack */

          asm("mov.l %a2,(%sp)"); asm("jsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %a3,(%sp)"); asm("jsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %a4,(%sp)"); asm("jsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %a5,(%sp)"); asm("jsr _GC_push_one");
          /* Skip frame pointer and stack pointer */
          asm("mov.l %d1,(%sp)"); asm("jsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %d2,(%sp)"); asm("jsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %d3,(%sp)"); asm("jsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %d4,(%sp)"); asm("jsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %d5,(%sp)"); asm("jsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %d6,(%sp)"); asm("jsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %d7,(%sp)"); asm("jsr _GC_push_one");

          asm("addq.w &0x4,%sp");       /* put stack back where it was  */
#       endif /* M68K HP */

#       if defined(M68K) && defined(AMIGA)
         /*  AMIGA - could be replaced by generic code                  */
         /* a0, a1, d0 and d1 are caller save */

#        ifdef __GNUC__
          asm("subq.w &0x4,%sp");       /* allocate word on top of stack */

          asm("mov.l %a2,(%sp)"); asm("jsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %a3,(%sp)"); asm("jsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %a4,(%sp)"); asm("jsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %a5,(%sp)"); asm("jsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %a6,(%sp)"); asm("jsr _GC_push_one");
          /* Skip frame pointer and stack pointer */
          asm("mov.l %d2,(%sp)"); asm("jsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %d3,(%sp)"); asm("jsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %d4,(%sp)"); asm("jsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %d5,(%sp)"); asm("jsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %d6,(%sp)"); asm("jsr _GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %d7,(%sp)"); asm("jsr _GC_push_one");

          asm("addq.w &0x4,%sp");       /* put stack back where it was  */
#        else /* !__GNUC__ */
#         ifndef __SASC
              /* Can probably be changed to #if 0 -Kjetil M. (a4=globals)*/
#         endif
          /* Skip stack pointer */
#        endif /* !__GNUC__ */
#       endif /* AMIGA */

#       if defined(M68K) && defined(MACOS)
#       if defined(THINK_C)
#         define PushMacReg(reg) \
              move.l  reg,(sp) \
              jsr             GC_push_one
          asm {
              sub.w   #4,sp                   ; reserve space for one parameter.
              ; skip a5 (globals), a6 (frame pointer), and a7 (stack pointer)
              add.w   #4,sp                   ; fix stack.
#         undef PushMacReg
#       endif /* THINK_C */
#       if defined(__MWERKS__)
#       endif   /* __MWERKS__ */
#   endif       /* MACOS */

#       if defined(I386) &&!defined(OS2) &&!defined(SVR4) \
        && (defined(__MINGW32__) || !defined(MSWIN32)) \
        && !defined(SCO) && !defined(SCO_ELF) \
        && !(defined(LINUX) && defined(__ELF__)) \
        && !(defined(FREEBSD) && defined(__ELF__)) \
        && !(defined(NETBSD) && defined(__ELF__)) \
        && !(defined(OPENBSD) && defined(__ELF__)) \
        && !(defined(BEOS) && defined(__ELF__)) \
        && !defined(DOS4GW) && !defined(HURD)
        /* I386 code, generic code does not appear to work */
        /* It does appear to work under OS2, and asms dont */
        /* This is used for some 38g UNIX variants and for CYGWIN32 */
          asm("pushl %eax");  asm("call _GC_push_one"); asm("addl $4,%esp");
          asm("pushl %ecx");  asm("call _GC_push_one"); asm("addl $4,%esp");
          asm("pushl %edx");  asm("call _GC_push_one"); asm("addl $4,%esp");
          asm("pushl %ebp");  asm("call _GC_push_one"); asm("addl $4,%esp");
          asm("pushl %esi");  asm("call _GC_push_one"); asm("addl $4,%esp");
          asm("pushl %edi");  asm("call _GC_push_one"); asm("addl $4,%esp");
          asm("pushl %ebx");  asm("call _GC_push_one"); asm("addl $4,%esp");
#       endif

#       if ( defined(I386) && defined(LINUX) && defined(__ELF__) ) \
        || ( defined(I386) && defined(FREEBSD) && defined(__ELF__) ) \
        || ( defined(I386) && defined(NETBSD) && defined(__ELF__) ) \
        || ( defined(I386) && defined(OPENBSD) && defined(__ELF__) ) \
        || ( defined(I386) && defined(HURD) && defined(__ELF__) ) \
        || ( defined(I386) && defined(DGUX) )

        /* This is modified for Linux with ELF (Note: _ELF_ only) */
        /* This section handles FreeBSD with ELF. */
        /* Eax is caller-save and dead here.  Other caller-save         */
        /* registers could also be skipped.  We assume there are no     */
        /* pointers in MMX registers, etc.                              */
        /* We combine instructions in a single asm to prevent gcc from  */
        /* inserting code in the middle.                                */
          asm("pushl %ecx; call GC_push_one; addl $4,%esp");
          asm("pushl %edx; call GC_push_one; addl $4,%esp");
          asm("pushl %ebp; call GC_push_one; addl $4,%esp");
          asm("pushl %esi; call GC_push_one; addl $4,%esp");
          asm("pushl %edi; call GC_push_one; addl $4,%esp");
          asm("pushl %ebx; call GC_push_one; addl $4,%esp");
#       endif

#       if ( defined(I386) && defined(BEOS) && defined(__ELF__) )
        /* As far as I can understand from                              */
        /*,             */
        /* only ebp, esi, edi and ebx are not scratch. How MMX          */
        /* etc. registers should be treated, I have no idea.            */
          asm("pushl %ebp; call GC_push_one; addl $4,%esp");
          asm("pushl %esi; call GC_push_one; addl $4,%esp");
          asm("pushl %edi; call GC_push_one; addl $4,%esp");
          asm("pushl %ebx; call GC_push_one; addl $4,%esp");
#       endif

#       if defined(I386) && defined(MSWIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__) \
           && !defined(USE_GENERIC)
        /* I386 code, Microsoft variant         */
          __asm  push eax
          __asm  call GC_push_one
          __asm  add esp,4
          __asm  push ebx
          __asm  call GC_push_one
          __asm  add esp,4
          __asm  push ecx
          __asm  call GC_push_one
          __asm  add esp,4
          __asm  push edx
          __asm  call GC_push_one
          __asm  add esp,4
          __asm  push ebp
          __asm  call GC_push_one
          __asm  add esp,4
          __asm  push esi
          __asm  call GC_push_one
          __asm  add esp,4
          __asm  push edi
          __asm  call GC_push_one
          __asm  add esp,4
#       endif

#       if defined(I386) && (defined(SVR4) || defined(SCO) || defined(SCO_ELF))
        /* I386 code, SVR4 variant, generic code does not appear to work */
          asm("pushl %eax");  asm("call GC_push_one"); asm("addl $4,%esp");
          asm("pushl %ebx");  asm("call GC_push_one"); asm("addl $4,%esp");
          asm("pushl %ecx");  asm("call GC_push_one"); asm("addl $4,%esp");
          asm("pushl %edx");  asm("call GC_push_one"); asm("addl $4,%esp");
          asm("pushl %ebp");  asm("call GC_push_one"); asm("addl $4,%esp");
          asm("pushl %esi");  asm("call GC_push_one"); asm("addl $4,%esp");
          asm("pushl %edi");  asm("call GC_push_one"); asm("addl $4,%esp");
#       endif

#       ifdef NS32K
          asm ("movd r3, tos"); asm ("bsr ?_GC_push_one"); asm ("adjspb $-4");
          asm ("movd r4, tos"); asm ("bsr ?_GC_push_one"); asm ("adjspb $-4");
          asm ("movd r5, tos"); asm ("bsr ?_GC_push_one"); asm ("adjspb $-4");
          asm ("movd r6, tos"); asm ("bsr ?_GC_push_one"); asm ("adjspb $-4");
          asm ("movd r7, tos"); asm ("bsr ?_GC_push_one"); asm ("adjspb $-4");
#       endif

#       if defined(SPARC)
              word GC_save_regs_in_stack();
              GC_save_regs_ret_val = GC_save_regs_in_stack();
#       endif

#       ifdef RT
            GC_push_one(TMP_SP);    /* GC_push_one from r11 */

            asm("cas r11, r6, r0"); GC_push_one(TMP_SP);        /* r6 */
            asm("cas r11, r7, r0"); GC_push_one(TMP_SP);        /* through */
            asm("cas r11, r8, r0"); GC_push_one(TMP_SP);        /* r10 */
            asm("cas r11, r9, r0"); GC_push_one(TMP_SP);
            asm("cas r11, r10, r0"); GC_push_one(TMP_SP);

            asm("cas r11, r12, r0"); GC_push_one(TMP_SP); /* r12 */
            asm("cas r11, r13, r0"); GC_push_one(TMP_SP); /* through */
            asm("cas r11, r14, r0"); GC_push_one(TMP_SP); /* r15 */
            asm("cas r11, r15, r0"); GC_push_one(TMP_SP);
#       endif

#       if defined(M68K) && defined(SYSV)
        /*  Once again similar to SUN and HP, though setjmp appears to work.
#        ifdef __GNUC__
          asm("subqw #0x4,%sp");        /* allocate word on top of stack */
          asm("movl %a2,%sp@"); asm("jbsr GC_push_one");
          asm("movl %a3,%sp@"); asm("jbsr GC_push_one");
          asm("movl %a4,%sp@"); asm("jbsr GC_push_one");
          asm("movl %a5,%sp@"); asm("jbsr GC_push_one");
          /* Skip frame pointer and stack pointer */
          asm("movl %d1,%sp@"); asm("jbsr GC_push_one");
          asm("movl %d2,%sp@"); asm("jbsr GC_push_one");
          asm("movl %d3,%sp@"); asm("jbsr GC_push_one");
          asm("movl %d4,%sp@"); asm("jbsr GC_push_one");
          asm("movl %d5,%sp@"); asm("jbsr GC_push_one");
          asm("movl %d6,%sp@"); asm("jbsr GC_push_one");
          asm("movl %d7,%sp@"); asm("jbsr GC_push_one");
          asm("addqw #0x4,%sp");        /* put stack back where it was  */
#        else /* !__GNUC__*/
          asm("subq.w &0x4,%sp");       /* allocate word on top of stack */
          asm("mov.l %a2,(%sp)"); asm("jsr GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %a3,(%sp)"); asm("jsr GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %a4,(%sp)"); asm("jsr GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %a5,(%sp)"); asm("jsr GC_push_one");
          /* Skip frame pointer and stack pointer */
          asm("mov.l %d1,(%sp)"); asm("jsr GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %d2,(%sp)"); asm("jsr GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %d3,(%sp)"); asm("jsr GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %d4,(%sp)"); asm("jsr GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %d5,(%sp)"); asm("jsr GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %d6,(%sp)"); asm("jsr GC_push_one");
          asm("mov.l %d7,(%sp)"); asm("jsr GC_push_one");
          asm("addq.w &0x4,%sp");       /* put stack back where it was  */
#        endif /* !__GNUC__ */
#       endif /* M68K/SYSV */

#     if defined(PJ)
            register int * sp asm ("optop");
            extern int *__libc_stack_end;

            GC_push_all_stack (sp, __libc_stack_end);
#     endif

      /* other machines... */
#       if !defined(M68K) && !defined(VAX) && !defined(RT) 
#       if !defined(SPARC) && !defined(I386) && !defined(NS32K)
#       if !defined(POWERPC) && !defined(UTS4) 
#       if !defined(PJ) && !(defined(MIPS) && defined(LINUX))
            --> bad news <--
#       endif
#       endif
#       endif
#       endif

void GC_generic_push_regs(cold_gc_frame)
ptr_t cold_gc_frame;
#           ifdef HAVE_BUILTIN_UNWIND_INIT
              /* This was suggested by Richard Henderson as the way to  */
              /* force callee-save registers and register windows onto  */
              /* the stack.                                             */
#           else /* !HAVE_BUILTIN_UNWIND_INIT */
              /* Generic code                          */
              /* The idea is due to Parag Patel at HP. */
              /* We're not sure whether he would like  */
              /* to be he acknowledged for it or not.  */
              jmp_buf regs;
              register word * i = (word *) regs;
              register ptr_t lim = (ptr_t)(regs) + (sizeof regs);

              /* Setjmp doesn't always clear all of the buffer.         */
              /* That tends to preserve garbage.  Clear it.             */
                for (; (char *)i < lim; i++) {
                    *i = 0;
#             if defined(POWERPC) || defined(MSWIN32) || defined(MSWINCE) \
                || defined(UTS4) || defined(LINUX) || defined(EWS4800)
                  (void) setjmp(regs);
#             else
                  (void) _setjmp(regs);
#             endif
#           endif /* !HAVE_BUILTIN_UNWIND_INIT */
#           if (defined(SPARC) && !defined(HAVE_BUILTIN_UNWIND_INIT)) \
                || defined(IA64)
              /* On a register window machine, we need to save register */
              /* contents on the stack for this to work.  The setjmp    */
              /* is probably not needed on SPARC, since pointers are    */
              /* only stored in windowed or scratch registers.  It is   */
              /* needed on IA64, since some non-windowed registers are  */
              /* preserved.                                             */
                word GC_save_regs_in_stack();
                GC_save_regs_ret_val = GC_save_regs_in_stack();
                /* On IA64 gcc, could use __builtin_ia64_flushrs() and  */
                /* __builtin_ia64_flushrs().  The latter will be done   */
                /* implicitly by __builtin_unwind_init() for gcc3.0.1   */
                /* and later.                                           */
#           endif

/* On register window machines, we need a way to force registers into   */
/* the stack.   Return sp.                                              */
# ifdef SPARC
    asm("       .seg    \"text\"");
#   ifdef SVR4
      asm("     .globl  GC_save_regs_in_stack");
      asm("     .type GC_save_regs_in_stack,#function");
#   else
      asm("     .globl  _GC_save_regs_in_stack");
#   endif
#   if defined(__arch64__) || defined(__sparcv9)
      asm("     save    %sp,-128,%sp");
      asm("     flushw");
      asm("     ret");
      asm("     restore %sp,2047+128,%o0");
#   else
      asm("     ta      0x3   ! ST_FLUSH_WINDOWS");
      asm("     retl");
      asm("     mov     %sp,%o0");
#   endif
#   ifdef SVR4
      asm("     .GC_save_regs_in_stack_end:");
      asm("     .size 
#   endif
#   ifdef LINT
        word GC_save_regs_in_stack() { return(0 /* sp really */);}
#   endif
# endif

/* On IA64, we also need to flush register windows.  But they end       */
/* up on the other side of the stack segment.                           */
/* Returns the backing store pointer for the register stack.            */
/* We now implement this as a separate assembly file, since inline      */
/* assembly code here doesn't work with either the Intel or HP          */
/* compilers.                                                           */
# if 0
#   ifdef LINUX
        asm("        .text");
        asm("        .psr abi64");
        asm("        .psr lsb");
        asm("        .lsb");
        asm("        .text");
        asm("        .align 16");
        asm("        .global GC_save_regs_in_stack");
        asm("        .proc GC_save_regs_in_stack");
        asm("        .body");
        asm("        flushrs");
        asm("        ;;");
        asm("        mov r8=ar.bsp");
        asm("        br.ret.sptk.few rp");
        asm("        .endp GC_save_regs_in_stack");
#   endif /* LINUX */
#   if 0 /* Other alternatives that don't work on HP/UX */
        word GC_save_regs_in_stack() {
#         if USE_BUILTINS
            return __builtin_ia64_bsp();
#         else
#           ifdef HPUX
              _asm("        flushrs");
              _asm("        ;;");
              _asm("        mov r8=ar.bsp");
              _asm("        br.ret.sptk.few rp");
#           else
              asm("        flushrs");
              asm("        ;;");
              asm("        mov r8=ar.bsp");
              asm("        br.ret.sptk.few rp");
#           endif
#         endif
#   endif
# endif

/* GC_clear_stack_inner(arg, limit) clears stack area up to limit and   */
/* returns arg.  Stack clearing is crucial on SPARC, so we supply       */
/* an assembly version that's more careful.  Assumes limit is hotter    */
/* than sp, and limit is 8 byte aligned.                                */
#if defined(ASM_CLEAR_CODE)
#ifndef SPARC
        --> fix it
# ifdef SUNOS4
    asm(".globl _GC_clear_stack_inner");
# else
    asm(".globl GC_clear_stack_inner");
    asm(".type GC_save_regs_in_stack,#function");
# endif
#if defined(__arch64__) || defined(__sparcv9)
  asm("mov %sp,%o2");           /* Save sp                      */
  asm("add %sp,2047-8,%o3");    /* p = sp+bias-8                */
  asm("add %o1,-2047-192,%sp"); /* Move sp out of the way,      */
                                /* so that traps still work.    */
                                /* Includes some extra words    */
                                /* so we can be sloppy below.   */
  asm("stx %g0,[%o3]");         /* *(long *)p = 0               */
  asm("cmp %o3,%o1");
  asm("bgu,pt %xcc, loop");     /* if (p > limit) goto loop     */
    asm("add %o3,-8,%o3");      /* p -= 8 (delay slot) */
    asm("mov %o2,%sp");         /* Restore sp., delay slot      */
  asm("mov %sp,%o2");           /* Save sp      */
  asm("add %sp,-8,%o3");        /* p = sp-8     */
  asm("clr %g1");               /* [g0,g1] = 0  */
  asm("add %o1,-0x60,%sp");     /* Move sp out of the way,      */
                                /* so that traps still work.    */
                                /* Includes some extra words    */
                                /* so we can be sloppy below.   */
  asm("std %g0,[%o3]");         /* *(long long *)p = 0  */
  asm("cmp %o3,%o1");
  asm("bgu loop ");             /* if (p > limit) goto loop     */
    asm("add %o3,-8,%o3");      /* p -= 8 (delay slot) */
    asm("mov %o2,%sp");         /* Restore sp., delay slot      */
#endif /* old SPARC */
  /* First argument = %o0 = return value */
#   ifdef SVR4
      asm("     .GC_clear_stack_inner_end:");
      asm("     .size 
#   endif
# ifdef LINT
    ptr_t GC_clear_stack_inner(arg, limit)
    ptr_t arg; word limit;
    { return(arg); }
# endif

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