--- Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chris Dutton wrote:
> > Given discussions about "hyper" operators in the past, I found this 
> > rather interesting in the release notes.
> > 
> > http://pike.idonex.com/download/notes/7.4.10.xml
> Interesting, but I still feel that vectorized operators give more
> flexibility.
> For example, I'm struggling to see how one could use the [*] to do this:
>       @names = «Gödel Escher Bach»;
>       @ages = $today »-« %date_of_birth{@names}
> Damian

We can't use « or ». Not only are they impossible to type on some editors,
but they're different in CP437 (the DOS charset), Latin1, and UTF8.

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