attriel wrote:

        Assignment                    OK?    Because...
        ======================        ===    ===============================
        my Basket $c = $a             no     $c's type:  Basket (of Object)
                                                           X          ^
                                                           |          |
                                             $a's type:   Set  of   Apple
        my Basket of Apple $c = $a    ok     $c's type:  Basket of Apple
                                                           ^         ^
                                                           |         |
                                             $a's type:  Basket of Apple

Now, just to be sure I didn't miss a step:

That second entry is wrong, sin't it?  it should be OK? no b/c:

C's Type : Basket of Apple
              X        ^
              |        |
A's Type :   Set  of Apple

Quite correct. I messed up A's type. :-(
Could the Secret Maintainers of Perl 6 Truth please update that for the records.



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