--- Mitchell N Charity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Doxygen unfortunately doesn't handle perl code, and even has problems
> with parrot's C.  

You might be interested in autodia, it handles perl.

> (IMHO, the world needs a wrapper hack which allows
> you to run all these variously broken code analysis tools, and then
> gloms their outputs together into something browsable.  
> Ah well.  Todo
> list.)

The goal of the introspector is to publish a RDF/XML ontology of the
various systems and thier dumps. Then you can merge the ontologies on a
logical level and transform them between each other.

Well what exactly do you need? I will be looking in running the
introspector over the parrot code. That will produce a rdf file of the
entire parrot source code.

I would like to also figure out how to extract the high-level
infomration from perl. The next step for the introspector was B::ToXML
and to get that running. But for Perl6, i wonder what that best way to
get at the data? The assembler does not contain any high level

> GraphVis (www.graphviz.org) did the actual drawing.
Yes, that is on major goal of the introspector project to replace this
funky non-free graphvis with the VCG. I hope to port VCG to GTK this
year, and integrate it with DIA for a nice graph editor.


> Hmm.  Maybe a picture of the complete include graph would be useful
> introductory material...
the graphs you doxygen produces are great.


James Michael DuPont

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