On 29 Jan 2003 14:29:52 -0500, Aaron Sherman wrote (in part):

ajs> As for the argument that testing for true non-existentness is a
ajs> burden, check out the way Perl5 does this.  Hint: there's a central
ajs> sv_undef, and that's not what array buckets are initialized to....

Either you're dead wrong, or you typo'd there.  After

        my @a;
        $a[4] = 1;

The array buckets @a[0..3] most certainly ARE initialized to &PL_sv_undef
in p5.  That's how C<exists $a[2]> knows to return false (&PL_sv_no)
instead of true (&PL_sv_yes).  And, yes, C<delete $a[4]> re-sets that slot
to point to the one true central undef again.  This is different from what
happens on C<undef $a[1];> -- that actually makes a new SV which is a
*copy* of the central undef and makes that the new value in that slot.
Thus, even with just the above sequence, C<exists $a[1]> would now be true
in p5.

Please, folks, this discussion's getting complicated enough without making
mistaken claims about what p5 currently does, even when that's by accident.

Spider Boardman (at home)                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The management (my cats) made me say this.    http://users.rcn.com/spiderb/
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