Joseph F. Ryan wrote:
> Stéphane Payrard wrote:
> >
> >I think that arrays and associative tables are very 
> >different entities for two reasons:
> >  -type of keys. array keys are integers
> >  -cost of insertion and deletion operations: O(n) and
> >   lower for associative table ( O(1) if you don't care
> >   for key ordering, O(log(n)) if you care for ordering). 
> >
> >This is enough to warrant different syntaxes for arrays and hash.
> I'm sure I'll get shot for saying this, but no it doesn't.
> PHP arrays are simply associative arrays with a integer as
> the key value.

What was the reason again which Larry rejected unifying the syntax for array
and hash indexing? As Piers said, we know whether $a is an array or hash
reference when we do:

print $a->{foo};

Someone correct me when I go astray...

Currently in Perl6 you can assign an anonymous array or hash to a scalar as

$a = [1,2,3];
$b = {a => 1, b => 2};
$a = array(1,2,3);
$b = hash(a => 1, b => 2);

If arrays and hashes both settled on []:

$a = [1,2,3];
$b = [a => 1, b => 2];
$a = array(1,2,3);
$b = hash(a => 1, b => 2);

It'd mess up the explicit list and hash composer syntax [] and {}. After all
if unified, what's:

$b = [a => 1, b => 2];

An anonymous array of ordered key/value pairs or an anonymous hash?

If this could be resolved in a way which would allow us to translate our
expectations of Perl5 arrays and hashes into Perl6... Wouldn't it give us a
standard syntax for working with collections? So we could punt on Bags,
Sets, Dictionaries, OrderedCollections, etc. and all the variations on
arrays and hashes that people are suggesting. I.e., Deliver a version of
standard Perl arrays and hashes... and make provisions for, but leave the
rest out of the core.

$bag = bag(1,2,1);
print "ok"  if 2 == scalar $bag->[1];

@a = (1,2,3);
%h = (a => 1);
%oh is ordered = (a => 1);
©c is bag = (1,2,1); # (C) symbol or some other sigil

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