On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 06:11:23PM -0700, Luke Palmer wrote:

> See, this is the main, unPerlish thing you're doing.  You're enforcing
> particular styles upon people, something Perl is proud of *not* doing.
> Let's not forget the often occurence of:
>     $fh = open 'foobar'
>             or die "Can't open foobar: $!";
> An implicit semicolon would cause it to croak there

No, that case would not cause the inclusion of an implicit semicolon.

I certainly should have discussed such cases. But I have covered them
in the blanket statement "C) and other cases that would also cause the
parsing to return an error" because I am confident that the parser can
handle them.

What I said:

  My proposition could then be expressed informally:

    Newline is interpred as statement terminator when it makes sense.

  It does not when :
    A) in the middle of an expression when an operand is expected
    B) within a parenthesised expression
    C) and other cases that would also cause the parsing to return an error

> Also, s/or/$(any <<if unless for while when ...>>)/
> It would be trivial with a grammar munge to implement this (heck, I
> did it with a source filter in Perl 5).  Surely CPAN6 (6PAN/CP6AN/??)
> will come out with one of these right off the bat, so you could do:
>     use Grammar::ImplicitSemicolon;
> Or something like that, and be done with it.

I am certainly confident that in perl6, everyone will be able to bake
his own grammar. I am also confident that the grammar will be good
enough that we will not have to do it in the general case

> Luke


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