The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030202
    Welcome to the second Perl 6 summary of the Copious Free Time era and
    already I've broken the 'mailed out by Monday evening' promise. There
    were reasons however, mostly to do with going down to London to do the
    paperwork for my redundancy stuff. So, I'm emending the promise to
    'mailed out by logical Monday evening'.

    Starting with perl6-internals (which was pretty quiet this week, only 76
    messages compared to perl6-language which tipped the scales with 162)

  Parrot Objects (noun, not verb)
    Piers Cawley worried about class private attributes and asked it it was
    still going to be possible to write an object serializing tool that
    wouldn't require tons of Perl class overloads. Dan said that it should
    still be possible.


  The packfile patches, an ongoing saga.
    Leo Tötsch spent the week working on the packfile format and Parrot's
    tools for manipulating it. Various internals folks provided feedback,
    pointers to standards and other handy feedback.





  Securing Parrot ASM
    Thomas Whateley has been thinking about how to allow Parrot to run
    untrusted code in a sandbox, and proposed a system where code would
    provide a list of required rights and Parrot would guarantee that only
    those privileges were provided. Matthew Byng-Maddick pointed everyone at
    the RFC he'd written along these lines and raised the issue of what
    happens when you call out to a module that's written natively, which he
    described a 'brick wall'. Others were less sure that this was a

    Somewhat annoyingly my mailer seems to have had a bad moment and lost
    some messages, including one from Dan in which he outlined his vision
    for 'safe mode' and gave some pointers to the VMS docs in this area.



    <> -- Dan's outline

  Parrot Developer World Map
    Leon Brocard announced the Parrot Developer World Map, which plots the
    locations of all the Parrot developers who sent him their location
    details on a map of the world. A cursory glance at the map would seem to
    imply that a good place for a Parrot Developers' face to face meeting
    would be a Caribbean island. Gregor neatly one upped Leon with his
    interactive SVG version.



  Coroutine context patch
    Jonathan Sillito found some problems with the coroutine code, so he
    wrote a test exposing the errors, patched things to fix the errors and
    added a documentation patch to be on the safe side. Go Jonathan. Steve
    Fink applied the patches. Jonathan also had a question about naming, and
    wondered if anyone would be interested in a howto for compiler writers.
    Nobody commented on this, but the howto sounds like a great idea to me.


  Multiple code segments and the interpreter
    Leo Tötsch noted some problems with "interpreter->code" and multiple
    code segments, suggested a way forward and asked for comments. Nicholas
    Clark commented, wondering about the potential for memory leaks but Leo
    seemed to think that that was covered.


  Parrot run loop problems
    Leo has also been thinking about Parrot run loops and reckons we're
    doing it wrong. So he proposed a different way of doing things, working
    through its impact on the various kinds of Parrot core. Steve Fink liked
    Leo's idea, but Jason Gloudon was less sure.


Meanwhile, in perl6-language
  More Array Behaviours
    Michael Lazzaro is working on documenting Perl Arrays and asked for
    confirmations and clarifications on various areas of Array behaviour.
    One subthread morphed into a discussion of when to use "is" properties
    and when to use "but" properties. It turns out that the '"is" is compile
    time, "but" is runtime' rule of thumb is only a rule of thumb. Damian
    says that a better distinction is '"but" is a property on a value, "is"
    is a property on a referent'. Variables, arrays, opaque objects, hashes
    etc are referents and therefore get "is" properties. Values are thing
    things that are held in variables, arrays, opaque objects etc, and they
    get "but" properties.


  Spare Brackets
    Martin wondered if it would be possible to use "[]" to do both hash and
    array lookups. Short answer "No". Which isn't to say the thread didn't
    take off like a runaway train. After far too many messages we reached
    the same 'No' conclusion that Damian had stated way back a the start of
    the thread. The reasoning goes like this: Given $container[$spec] you
    can't use the type of $container to decide whether to do a hash or an
    array lookup because there are Perl object types which have both hash
    and array semantics. And you can't use $spec's type either because Perl
    happily autoconverts between numbers and strings. So, you need some way
    to specify what sort of lookup you need, and you do that by using "{}"
    or "[]" as appropriate. But, frankly, that's beside the point. The
    reason we're not using "[]" to do both array and hash style lookups is
    Because Larry Says So.



  Arrays: Default values
    Argh! I've really been screwed by problems with my mail here. For some
    reason a batch of mail appears to have got dropped on the floor this
    week and my record of this thread is the one that's suffered the most.

    The gist of the thread is that adding a default value to an array opens
    a whole scary can of worms to do with the distinction between 'undef'
    and 'exists' (made trickier still by the fact that 'exists' is a pretty
    vague concept when you're dealing with an array.) Damian's view is that
    an array with a default value should do the equivalent of

       $content = @foo[$index] // @foo.default;

    ie, all undefs in the array should be 'replaced' with the array's
    default value. And that includes any 'deliberate' undefs (where the
    programmer does "@foo[$index] = undef"). As I understand it, doing
    anything else leads to implementation pain. And it leads to even more
    fun when your default is computed and the function doing the computation
    gets passed the index as an argument. What happens when someone does a

    For some reason this led into a discussion of whether hashes are ordered
    (they're not, but if you leave a particular hash alone any iterators
    (keys/values/each) will step through the hash in the same order,
    repeatably, but that order is not predictable).


    <> -- Current 'default' rules

  Damian Takes a Sabbatical
    Damian announced that, owing to time pressures, the need to find paying
    work, the need to help Larry get the next Apocalypse out the door and to
    get the associated Exegesis written he's unsubscribed from the language
    list for the time being, though he expects that he'll probably
    resubscribe once A6 and E6 are released. Folks wished him well.


In Brief
    After asking for suggestions of a language to implement using parrot, K
    Stol announced that he would be implementing a Lua->parrot compiler as
    his final year project.

Who's Who in Perl 6?
    Who are you?
        Gopal V [gopalv82 at symonds dot net]

    What do you do for/with Perl 6?
        I'm more interested in Parrot rather than in Perl 6 , since it is
        the only really free bytecode format out there. I am planning to
        build a C# to Parrot compiler. I did a bunch of opcodes in this
        direction , but mostly what I do is lurk around in the mailing list
        & IRC.

    Where are you coming from?
        I'm from the DotGNU project and have been playing around in that
        code for some time. I've still got my foot placed firmly there and
        am peering over the hedge into parrot. I'm still in college, so I
        still have to find time to study.

    When do you think Perl 6 will be released?
        On a Saturday morning after announcing Tuesday afternoon in the
        release plan.

    Why are you doing this?
        It's great to be involved with a community project , it's a very
        entertaining, stimulating and educating experience. In short, I'm in
        this for the warm fuzzy feeling !.

    You have 5 words. Describe yourself.
        compulsive hacker, caffeine addict, RSI_sufferer.

    Do you have anything to declare?
        I promise, I'll try hard to get the C# compiler working with parrot.
        (starts singing "Some day, Some way..." off key)

Announcements and Acknowledgements
    This week's summary was once again prepared in a comfortable chair with
    plenty of Earl Grey tea and distractions from two delightfully ginger
    kittens and my embarrassing ability to screw up my Gnus installation
    (now unscrewed).

    Thanks to Gopal V for his answers to the questionnaire this week. If
    you've been involved in the Perl 6 development process, please consider
    answering the same set of questions and sending them to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    and you'll earn my undying gratitude.

    Proofreading was handled by the ever lovely Aspell.

    If you appreciated this summary, please consider one or more of the
    following options:

    *   Send money to the Perl Foundation at
        <> and help support the ongoing
        development of Perl.

    *   Get involved in the Perl 6 process. The mailing lists are open to
        all. <> and <>
        are good starting points with links to the appropriate mailing

    *   Send feedback, flames, money, job offers or a working teleportation
        device to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    This week's summary was sponsored by Darren Duncan. Thanks Darren. If
    you'd like to become a summary sponsor, drop me a line at


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