On Friday, February 7, 2003, at 04:24  PM, Uri Guttman wrote:
  ML>      \(1,2,3)

  ML> returns an array reference...

in perl5 it returns a list of refs ( \1, \2, \3 ). i dunno the perl6
semantics. it could be the same as [ 1, 2, 3 ] which means it is not a
Sorry, I was misremembering a thread. I remember (vaguely) now... can't do what I suggested because it's something like \($x) should never be a list ref, which means we would have to treat parens differently depending on how many things are inside them, etc, which pointedly won't work.

If someone remembers when that damn thread happened, or better still remembers the outcome (if any), drop me a pointer?


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