
Benchmarks are idiosyncratic and devious and I thank you for starting a
comparison whose results interest me greatly. =]

On Tue, 2003-02-18 at 10:03, Tupshin Harper wrote:
> [...]and some are in languages I am less then fluent in 
> (last touched any flavor of assembly in 1985, and barely touched it 
> then), so be kind. I don't believe I'm being too unfair to any of the 
> languages, though feel free to tell me otherwise.

I looked at the .pl and .py versions and was struck by the very
dissimilar approaches taken in the two. I translated the GOTO-style
primes.pl to a loop syntax in both Perl and Python which I believe
accurately represents the logic of primes.pasm without resorting to
actual GOTO statements[1].

I'd be very curious as to the runtime of these on the system you used
for the earlier benchmarks. On my box, the retooled Python script takes
only approximately 50% of the time used by the earlier Perl version; the
retooled Perl version runs in roughly 30% the time of its Perl

Thanks again for taking this initiative!


[1] "Go To Statement Considered Harmful", Edsger W. Dijkstra, 
Communications of the ACM, Vol. 11, No. 3, March 1968, pp. 147-148; see
Jim Meyer, Geek at Large                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#!/usr/bin/env perl

my $i1 = 1;
my $i2 = 10000;

printf("\nThe primes up to %d are:\n", $i2);

while ($i1 <= $i2) {
	my $i3 = 2;
	my $i4 = $i1 / 2;
	while (1) {
		if ($i1 % $i3) {
			next if ($i3 <= $i4);
			print "$i1\n";
#!/usr/bin/env python2

i2 = 10000

print "\nThe primes up to %d are:" % i2

for i1 in range(1,i2+1) :
	i3 = 2
	i4 = i1 / 2
	while 1:
		if i1 % i3:
			i3 += 1
			if i3 <= i4 : continue
			print i1

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