Dan Sugalski wrote:

At 12:09 PM +0100 2/20/03, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

Starting from the unbearable fact, that optimized compiled C is still faster then parrot -j (in primes.pasm), I did this experiment:
- do register allocation for JIT in imcc
- use the first N registers as MAPped processor registers

This sounds pretty interesting, and I bet it could make things faster.

I have now checked in a first version for testing:
- the define JIT_IMCC_OJ in jit.c is disabled - so no impact
- jit2h.pl defines now a MAP macro, which makes jit_cpu.c more readable
- no vtable ops
- no saving of non preserved registers (%edx on I386)
So not much will run, when experimenting with it.

But I think, the numbers are promising, so it's worth a further try.

To enable the whole fun, recompile with JIT_IMCC_OJ enabled, build imcc and use the -Oj switch (primes.pasm is from examples/benchmarks):

$ time imcc -j -Oj  primes.pasm
N primes up to 50000 is: 5133
last is: 49999
Elapsed time: 3.523477

real 0m3.548s

$ ./primes      # primes.c -O3 gcc 2.95.2
N primes up to 50000 is: 5133
last is: 49999
Elapsed time: 3.647063

$ time imcc -j -O1 primes.pasm  # normal JIT
N primes up to 50000 is: 5133
last is: 49999
Elapsed time: 4.039121

real 0m4.065s

imcc/parrot was built without optimization, but this doesn't matter, no external code is called for jit/i386 in the primes.pasm.
The timings for imcc obviously include compiling too.


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