Joseph F. Ryan wrote:

I'm really curious as to this myself. I didn't even know an
"include" existed; its not in the imcc docs.

Its in docs/macros.pod, though this file is not mentioned in the main doca AFAIK.

... I only bring this up
because around a month ago, I started working on use/include/inline
semantics for languages/perl6.  Then I got mono and I stopped.
However, I'm better now and I'd really like to know of how much I
have is redundant, and if .include can help resolve some of the
symbol name conflicts that I was having.

.include doesn't help here. If you have symbol name conflicts (which?) you can do several things:

1) for variables
- use .namespace
- mangle them
- us uniq names, as P6C does
2) for labels
- global labels have to be uniq (and must start with an underscore)
- local labels have to be uniq per copilation unit and shouldn't have and underscore in front.

Joseph F. Ryan


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