
[A6, p7]
There will be two new operators, called pipe operators, that allow us
to hook list generators together with list consumers in either order.
So either of these works:

    stuff @foo <== 1,2,3
    1,2,3 ==> stuff @foo
[/A6, p7]

I don't think that's going to be an issue -- there doesn't seem to be a
Unicode Glyph called LEFTWARD-POINTING-PHALLUS, nor correspondingly is
there a Unicode Glyph for RIGHTWARD-POINTING-PHALLUS, so I think we're
safe on the Unicode front...

my multi operator:==> is size(bigger than yours);


--- Christian Renz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >It survived a few refreshes, so I wonder if it's a file-transfer
> >problem?
> No, Larry is just presenting additional proof that we need Unicode
> operators in Perl 6 by using them in English, too. :)
> Greetings,
>    Christian
> -- 
> "The human mind has no more power of inventing a new value than of
> imagining a new primary color, or, indeed, of creating a new sun and
> a
> new sky for it to move in."  -- C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man

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