Will infix operators be allowed to be macros instead of subs?

They'd be kinda necessary for infix operators for which standard sub conventions are insufficient and need to diddle the parse tree instead, such as short-circuiting operators.

It would also allow Damien's original <~ operator (R2L method call) to be implemented with something like this...

(warning: I had to invent a lot here, but it should hopefully make at least a little bit sense :-)

macro infix:<~ (Perl6::Node $x, Perl6::Node $y) is tighter(&infix:=) { # regular case, turn foo $x, $y <~ $obj into $obj.foo($x, $y) if ($x ~~ Perl6::SubCall) { return new Perl6::MethodCall: $x.name, $y, $x.args; }

   # ugly hack in case  foo $x, $y <~ $o  was parsed as  foo($x), $y <~ $o
   # however  foo, $x <~ $obj  should still give an error, so beware
   if ($x ~~ Perl6::List && !$x.parens && $x.items > 0) {
       my $z = $x.items[0];
       if ($z ~~ Perl6::SubCall && !$z.parens && $z.args > 0) {
           my @args = $z.args, $x.items[1...];
           return new Perl6::MethodCall: $z.name, $y, @args;

   # helpful error message ;-)
   croak "Can't deal with the stuff left of <~ operator";

-- Matthijs van Duin -- May the Forth be with you!

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