On Friday, March 14, 2003, at 11:06 AM, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
AFAICT, these are the *only* possible solutions to the problem. At last count, Larry was leaning towards #2. Damian was countering with #1. Some Lowly Grubs were suggesting #3. Am I missing anything?

Whoops! That needs correcting. Larry sayeth:
The real question is whether this particular stricture is part of the
default "use strict" that classes and modules assume.  There are
decent arguments on both sides of that one, but just to mollify Damian
I'm inclined to come down on the strict side for that.

E.G. "use strict" invokes #1, otherwise it's #2. Sorry for the repost, but if something says "SUMMARY" it'd be best for it not to be obsolete after the first 5 min...


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