of crap known as XSL. An XML-based derivative that performs XML transformations, allowing/using embedded P6 regexs, closures, etc., and able to more easily translate XML <==> P6 data.

I'm still quite XML-phobic, but I see the need for strong XML support in Perl 6. However, I'd like to work with XML in Perl 6 in a way that I don't even notice it's XML. Would it be possible to come up with an interface to XML that is at least as intuitive as tie is for hash<->DBM file? And that can cope with megabyte-sized XML files?

In fact, if we're talking about data storage only, it would be
interesting to have such a tie that allows me to store my data in an
XML file, YAML file, SQL database etc.

XML transformations sounds to me like it would be useful to be able to
transform data that is structured according to one grammar into
another grammatical structure. (Please excuse my long sentences.) Is
that already possible with Perl 6 Grammars? (Please excuse my
ignorance.) If yes, we might even think about an C-to-Intercal
translator. (Please excuse me, Dan.)

creating a P6-specific companion to ASP/JSP/PHP, but one that's
substantially more OO in nature...

Although it doesn't end in P, I'd add Zope to that list. Definitely
sounds like a killer-app for Perl 6.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.web42.com/crenz/ - http://www.web42.com/

"No Christian and, indeed, no historian could accept the epigram which
defines religion as 'what a man does with his solitude.'"
   -- C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory

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