Austin Hastings wrote:
> It has been pointed out once already that we already talked about this,
> and I for one am in favor of the general version of it.
> The original discussion posited an "adverbial comparison", viz:
> C<$a eq:ref $b>. Which, looking at your proposal, is very close to
> C<$a =:= $b>, because I'm reading that as "equals, under assignment".

What was decided about the adverbial ops -- did we ever get a
confirmation or rejection on that proposal, or did it die in the ether?

I like the idea lots (though I still would argue that identity-compare
=:= is important enough conceptually to be a separate case.)  My only
worry is that we make sure they don't cannibalize their own namespace. 
For example, to create an adverbial eq that works like this:

    $a eq:soundex $b;

I wonder if it shouldn't be declared as:

    sub infix:eq:soundex ($a,$b) {...}

as opposed to the simpler:

    sub soundex ($a,$b) {...}

I.E. would you ever use the 'soundex' adverb without the 'eq', and if
not, mightn't you just call it 'eq:soundex' and be done with it?  (If we
made the colon allowable for the case of infix & other ops
declarations?)  That way you could have things like

    $a eq:foo $b;
    $a gt:foo $b;
    $a lt:foo $b;
    $a +:foo $b;

and the various declarations of 'foo' wouldn't get in each other's way,
even if you had a whole mess of 'em.


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