On Sat, 2003-05-31 at 11:43, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
> Bryan C. Warnock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The flow *really* is, in value sizes:
> >     Opcodes: 32 (constants are limited by the spec)
> In which spec? How would we handle 64 bit INTVAL constants on 32 bit
> systems?

Parrotbyte.pod.  Googling for 'parrot constant "32 bit"' also returns
some discussions.  (Although I don't remember - and can't find - any
reference to what Dan had suggested for handling what, essentially, are
PMC constants.)

> >     PMCs   : 64
> >     Regs   : 32
> >     Guts   : 32
> >     System : 32
> Yep, guts should really be plain C<int> or C<size_t>. There are far too
> many U?INTVALs in data structures or whatever.
> I'm not sure, if we need 64 bit INTVAL in regs. But the implementation
> in JIT wouldn't be too hard.

I don't think we need them.  An awful lot of the numbers making it to
the registers are passing through to the guts.  And implemented
languages have to take into consideration that a 64-bit type isn't
available in the first place, so we shouldn't be breaking anything.
(Actually, this will make sure we don't break anything.)

> > Can we simplify interpreter types this much, while still providing
> > extended numerics to hosted languages?
> For sure.

Okay, let me rephase.

Can *those of us who aren't Leo* simplify interpreter types this much,
while still providing extended numerics to hosted languages?  :-)

Bryan C. Warnock

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