Michael Lazzaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Monday, May 26, 2003, at 06:10 PM, Dave Whipp wrote:
>> So, in summary, its good to have a clean abstraction for all the
>> HCCCT things. But I think it is a mistake to push them too
>> close. Each of the HCCCT things might be implemented as facades over
>> the underlying othogonal concepts of data management and execution
>> management (hmm, we mustn't forget IO and other resource managers).
> Yeah, that.
> What I STRONGLY SUGGEST WE AVOID is a situation where _some_ of
> those interfaces are object-based, using <new Thread:> or similar,
> and others of those are trait or keyword based, such as <coro foo>
> or <sub foo is coroutine>, and others are implicit and invisible
> (closures).[*]

I would be very, very surprised to see a situation where you don't
have an object interface to the various things which are more usually
made with the various bits of syntactic sugar. A nice, consistent OO
API for these things will make the life of macro/refactoring
brower/SmalltalkLikeIDE/whatever author so much easier.


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