--- David Storrs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 16, 2003 at 11:37:06AM -0700, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
> > [...]
> > But there is broad support for the idea that the somewhat elderly 
> > printf syntax is a PITA, and that printf, in general, should be 
> > completely unnecessary since we already *have* interpolated
> strings, 
> > fer pete's sake.
> A PITA, yes, but a darned powerful *and concise* PITA.
> >   Is it possible that
> > 
> >     "The value of x is <expr but formatted(...)>"
> > 
> > is in fact a cleaner, more elegant syntax than:
> Quite honestly, I'd like to do better.  One of the things that makes
> regexen so powerful is their concision; they pack a tremendous amount
> of meaning into every character and yet, for the most part, they
> aren't that hard to understand.  I'd like to see the same for output
> rules.  The vast majority of output rules will probably be on the
> order of: "make this an integer and left-pad with 0s to make sure
> there are at least 2 digits".  I'd much rather write:
>      "The value of x is \F02d$($x)"
> than
>      "The value of x is $($x as integer but
>      formatted(<two-digits-left-pad-0>)" 
> > Or, if we have "output rules" just like we have "input rules",
> could 
> > something quite complex be expressed simply as:
> > 
> >     "You have <$x as MoneyFormat>"
> I like this better; a good compromise between concision and
> readability (although the later poster's suggestion of
> 'MoneyFormat($x)' was even better, IMO).  
> You still need to define MoneyFormat somewhere, however; I hope that
> you will be able to do that with nice concise formatting codes.

Not sure I care about that -- the good ones will wind up in core+, or
barely outside, just like useful helper functions.

I do like one other aspect of printf codes, however -- they are
independent of data, or at least they're REALLY late bound. Remember
the signature for printf:

int printf(format_string, ...)

Being able to code a Grammar used for proactive generation of output
makes P6 a real programm(ar)ing language, possibly the first such. :-)

But saying 

rule MoneyFormat {
  <digit> {1,3} (<thousands_delimiter><digit> {3})*
                (<decimal_delimiter>  <digit> {2})?

isn't the same as saying 

emit MoneyFormat {
  my $amt = shift;
  my $out;

  $amt = int($amt * 100);
  $out = $decimal_delimiter _ ($amt % 100);
  $amt /= 100;

  while $amt > 999 {
    $out = $thousands_delimiter _ ($amt % 1000) _ $out;
    $amt /= 1000;

  $out = $currency_sigil _ $amt _ $out;
  return $out;

And as much as I hate to claim that any of the Apocalypsen are
incomplete, I wonder if maybe we need some more thought paid to the
"FORMAT" chapter -- replacing, or merging, formats with emit-rules
seems like an interesting project. (Although one that won't require
*much* in core- other than a standardized "anonymous stream" mechanism
that we've already talked over [inconclusively] once).



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