> -----Original Message-----
> From: Leopold Toetsch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The patch is fine with two exceptions:
> 1) still breaks existing P6C tests WRT exceptions & rules
> 2) performance of CPS sucks
> ad 1) I'd like to preserve the old style invoke/ret scheme too. incokecc
> and friends could call a new ContSub[1] class, which is the same as
> sub.pmc but doesn't put the return address on the control stack during
> invoke.
> ad 2) CPS subroutines are 3 times slower for calling the sub. There are
> 2 problems here:
> 2a) The main is: the continuation object is generated for each[2]
> subroutine call. Replacing the invokecc with an explicit sequence of
> constructing the return Continuation object once outside the loop brings
> again the same speed as invoke/ret.

This is the reason for the new implementation of the invoke op which assumes
that the continuation has already been put in place. Also allowing the
invokecc to take an argument specifying the type of continuation to save may
be helpful:

    invokecc .AddressOnlyContinuation # or something ...
    invokecc .EverythingButTheKitchenSinkContinuation

> 2b) There is still too much context copying going on AFAIK. The register
> top and base pointers are copied too in {save,restore}context worth of 8
> words, while just copying the 3 stacks (pad, control, user) should more
> then be enough. The coroutine code only swaps these - BTW and doesn't
> set them COW.

I am not sure I follow this. Are you suggesting that the register stacks do
not need to be copied? Again different types of continuations would be good.

> So we have currently:
> sub.pmc (+ contsub.pmc), continuation.pmc, and coroutine.pmc do very
> similar things. The only major difference is, where they branch on invoke.
> The differences are:
> - sub.pmc doesn't have an own context, it pushes the current lex_pad on
> the interpreters pad_stack on invoke
> - continuation.pmc saves/restores the whole context structure and marks
> the 3 stacks COW
> - coroutine.pmc swaps the 3 stacks and doesn't mark them COW
> This leads to some questions:
> - shouldn't these all preserve the same stack(s)?
> - which stack(s): pad_stack only or control/user/intstack too?
> - can we pull out the construction of the return continuation of the
> loop like done below?
> - what parts of current context structure should then be preserved
> (registers are already out, why then deal with register backing store)?
> Comments welcome

As suggested in a previous email coroutine.pmc could just go away. Since
returning from an otherwise normal sub using:

  invokecc P1

will save the appropriate context for a subsequent 'coroutine' call.

> leo
> [1] we could AFAIK reuse CSub, which is obsoleted by NCI.
>       (also most routines in method_utils.c seems to be obsolete)
> [2]
>           new P10, .PerlUndef
>       set P10, 1000000
>       new P11, .PerlUndef
>       set P11, 0
>       new P0, .Sub
>       set_addr I12, func
>       set P0, I12
>       set I0, 0       # no prototype
>       set I2, 0       # no PMC params
>       set I3, 0       # void context
>       new P1, .Continuation   ##
>       set_addr I12, ret       ##
>       set P1, I12     ##
> lp:
>       pushbottomp
>       invoke  ## invokecc
> ret:
>       popbottomp
>       inc P11
>       lt P11, P10, lp
>       end
> func:
>       invoke P1

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