# New Ticket Created by  "Clinton A. Pierce" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #22767]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=22767 >

I apologize for the length of this example.  I've spent a goodly part of 
this afternoon trying to track this one down and can't get a handle on a 
smaller example.

Running this on any recent build of Parrot (Win32 or Linux) leaks like a 
seive and will eventually give a segmentation fault.  On my Linux machine 
it takes 26K repetitions.  On my Win32 machine, much fewer.  Removing any 
of the following will cause the segfault to go away:

        either of the "call _BUILTIN_DISPLAY" statements.
        the "call _set_nonblock" statement
        *ALL* of the references to the global PRINTCOL.
        The i=i+1 logic.

** Using IMCC to produce PASM, and then assembling the PASM works fine! **

[The odd look of this example is because it's a compiled BASIC 
program.  Bits of the runtime are included in here, seriously hacked up for 
brevity.  Whenever I remove these last few pieces, the segfault goes away.]

Help!  And thanks.

.const int TYPE = 0
.const int VALUE = 1
.local string JUMPLABEL
.sub _main
         $P0=new PerlHash
         store_global "PRINTCOL", $P0

         call _basicmain_run

.sub _basicmain
         .local float i
         .local string t_string
         .sub _basicmain_run                     # Always jump here.
                 call _basicmain_main
         .sub _basicmain_main
         USERLABEL_0:   # For user branch (100)
                 # Evaluating   t$ = inkey$ ( )
                 # Result in t_string of type S
                 .arg 0                  # argc
                 call  _POSIX_INKEY
                 .result $S0
                 t_string = $S0
                 # Evaluating   i = i + 1
                 # Result in i of type N
                 $N0 = 1.0 + i
                 i = $N0
                 # Evaluating   i
                 # Result in i of type N
                 .arg i
                 .arg 1
                 call _BUILTIN_DISPLAY
                 .arg "\n"
                 .arg 1
                 call _BUILTIN_DISPLAY
                 branch USERLABEL_0      # Goto 100
                 # ###################
                 # Program Termination
                 # ###################
                 ret     # back to _main
         .end    # main segment
.end    # outer segment
.const int FLOAT = 2
.const int STRING = 3
.sub _BUILTIN_DISPLAY           # void display(string|float thingy[, 
t thingy2])
         .param int argc
         .local string buf
         .local int intver
         .local string s
         .local int PRINTCOL
         find_global $P0, "PRINTCOL"
         set PRINTCOL, $P0["value"]
         set buf, ""
NEXT:   eq argc, 0, END_DISPLAY
         dec argc
         entrytype $I0, 0
         eq $I0, STRING, DISPSTRING
         ne $I0, FLOAT, DISPERR
         # Now, do floats
         .param float number
         set intver, number
         set $N0, intver
         eq $N0, number, DISPINT # Nope, it's an integer.
         # Integers display -1234_
         #              or  _1234
DISPINT:set $S0, intver
         lt intver, 0, NEGINT
         concat buf, " "
NEGINT: concat buf, $S0
         concat buf, " "
         branch NEXT
         .param string str
         length $I0, str
         concat buf, str
         eq str, "\n", DISPNL
         add PRINTCOL, PRINTCOL, $I0
         branch NEXT
         branch NEXT
         print buf
         set $P0["value"], PRINTCOL
         store_global "PRINTCOL", $P0
DISPERR:print "Unknown type on stack to print\n"

.sub _set_nonblock      # void _set_nonblock
         $P0=new PerlHash
         #set $P0["value"], I11
         store_global "fcntl_mode", $P0
         call _set_nonblock
         .return ""  # Normally this returns the retrieved keystroke...

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