The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030622
    Welcome to my first anniversary issue of the Perl 6 Summary. Hopefully
    there won't too many more anniversaries to celebrate before we have a
    real, running Perl 6, but there's bound to be ongoing development after
    that. My job is secure!

    Because I can't think of anything better to do, I'll start with the
    action on the perl6-internals list

  Converting parrot to continuation passing style
    The ongoing effort to convert Parrot to use/support continuation passing
    style (CPS) at the assembler level continues. Jonathan Sillito offered
    another patch implementing the require support, which Dan liked and

    Klaas-Jan Stol wondered what he'd missed; last time he looked Parrot
    wasn't doing continuation passing. He asked why Dan had chosen to go
    down that route. Dan answered that he had realized that "we had to save
    off so much state that we essentially had a continuation anyway".
    Explicitly going with continuation passing just made things more formal,
    and wrapped up all the context saving behind a straightforward
    interface. He promised a more detailed explanation later.

  Portable way of finding libc, unbuffered reads
    Clinton Pierce noted that the following code:

        loadlib P1, "/lib/"
        dlfunc P0, P1, "system", "it"
        set I0, 1
        set S5, "ls"

    just works, which simultaneously pleases and scares him silly. He
    wondered if there was a good way of finding the standard C library on a
    Unix system without scary hardwiring as in the fragment above. He also
    wondered if there was an 'official' way of getting an unbuffered read
    via parrot.

    Jens Rieks came up with a gloriously evil way of finding libc. The
    theory goes that Parrot is linked against libc, so you just have to
    "dlopen" the running image and you can call libc functions to your
    heart's content. To dlopen the running image you need to pass a NULL
    pointer to the underlying "loadlib" so he offered a patch to core.ops
    which interpreted an empty string as a pointer to NULL. Leo and Dan were
    impressed and the patch (or something similar) was applied. I get the
    feeling that Dan wants to do something a little less hacky to access the
    current executable though...

    Clint noted that the dlopen the running image by passing a null pointer
    trick doesn't work with Windows, but outlined a workaround for that too.
    Jen Rieks suggested a better Windows workaround.

    Nobody came up with an approved way of doing "getc", but once you have
    libc loaded you can just use its "getc".

  OO, Objects
    If you look in a fresh from CVS parrot directory you'll now find
    object.ops, which will be the cause of much rejoicing in many places.
    Dan's nailed the object spec down enough that he's started implementing
    a few of the required ops. As he points out, what we have is "hardly
    sufficient", but everyone's got to start somewhere, the journey of a
    thousand miles begins with but a single step, etc.

    Judging by the number of comments (none), everyone was stunned into

  More CPS shenanigans
    I get the strong feeling that Leo Tötsch isn't entirely happy with the
    new Continuation Passing Style regime. He's worried that the P6C tests
    break, and that CPS subs are some 3 times slower for calling the sub.
    This led into a discussion of what context really must go into a
    continuation, whether we can get away with different classes of
    continuation (hold more or less contextual information) and other ways
    of possibly speeding things up.

    I'm not sure Leo has been entirely convinced, but I'm confident that
    Dan's not going to change his mind about this.

    Leo later submitted a large patch which unifies the various subroutine
    related PMCs to take into account CPS.

    Now that the rules for subs/methods etc are settling down, Dan outlined
    his thoughts on exception handlers. If I'm understanding him correctly,
    an exception handler is just a continuation that you invoke with the
    exception as its only argument. There were no comments by the end of the

Meanwhile in perl6-language
    The language list was quiet again. Maybe everyone was doing face to face
    things at YAPC. Or on holiday. Or something.

  "printf" like formatting in interpolated strings
    Remember last week I mentioned that Luke Palmer had made a cool
    suggestion about "printf" like formatting in string interpolation? (He
    suggested a syntax like "rx/<expression> but formatted(<formatspec>)/",
    which I for one quite liked).

    Edwin Steiner wasn't so keen, noting that Luke's suggestion was actually
    more verbose than "rx/sprintf <formatspec>, <expression>/". He wasn't
    entirely sure that having a formatting rule attached to a value with a
    'but' was really the right thing to do (it does rather violate the whole
    model/view/controller abstraction for instance). Edwin's favoured
    interpolation syntax was,

      rule formatted_interpolation {\\F <formatspec> <interpolatable_atom>}
      rule formatspec { # sprintf format without '%' 
      rule interpolatable_atom { <variable> | \$\( <expr> \) }

    (or something along those lines). Edwin went on to extend his idea,
    allowing for all sorts of clever interpolation rules, leading Dave
    Storrs to comment that the Obfuscated Perl people would certainly thank
    him if the suggestions went in.

    Arcadi Shehter came up with yet another suggested syntax involving ":"
    (neglecting the important rule that, whilst one's heart my belong to
    Daddy, the ":" belongs to Larry. And I'm really trying not to think
    about the images that conjures up).

    At this point, we ended up in a philosophical discussion about when was
    the right time to do stuff, generality of solutions and Perl remaining
    Perl. I remain confident that come the appropriate time, Larry and/or
    Damian (more likely Damian given some of the stuff he was showing off to
    do with formatting at YAPC) will nail things down and we'll all go "Of
    course!" and move onto the next thing.

  Dispatching, Multimethods and the like
    Adam Turoff noted that, in his YAPC opening talk, Damian had mentioned
    the catchall DISPATCH sub, which will allow for altering the dispatch
    behaviour to do any magic you choose. The 'problem' with DISPATCH is
    defining its interaction with the likes of AUTOLOAD and other built in
    dynamic dispatch behaviours, which will need to be nailed down.

    Dan Sugalski jetted over from perl6-internals to give the lowdown on
    what would be available at the parrot level (which may or may not be
    exposed at the Perl 6 language level). Essentially, what we know is that
    there will be the capability to insert any dispatch method you like, but
    the details of how you'd do it aren't thrashed out yet. It almost
    certainly won't be easy, but that's a good thing.

  Type Conversion Matrix, Pragmas (Take 4)
    Discussion of Mike Lazzaro's type conversion matrix continued as people
    explored corner cases.

Acknowledgements, Announcements and Apologies
    Whee! My first anniversary! I confess that when I started writing these
    things I didn't expect to keep going for this long. Now I don't expect
    to ever stop.

    After due and careful consideration of a short shortlist, I should like
    to award an anniversary virtual white parrot award to Leopold
    "Patchmonster" Tötsch for his astonishing contribution to the Parrot
    core. Other mental nominees for this award were: Clinton A Pierce, for
    BASIC and the associated bug finding; Leon Brocard, for humorous reasons
    and Robert Spier and Ask Bjørn Johansen for invaluable and invisible
    work on websites, CVS and mailing list maintenance.

    I eliminated the core design team from consideration for the above
    award, but I'd like to formally thank Larry, Damian, Allison and Dan,
    without whom...

    As I said last week, Leon Brocard is no longer the summaries' running
    joke. However, I auctioned off the right to specify the next running
    joke at YAPC last week; next week should see the unveiling of the new,
    improved Perl 6 Summary Running Joke.

    If you've appreciated this summary, please consider one or more of the
    following options:

    *   Send money to the Perl Foundation at and help support the ongoing
        development of Perl.

    *   Get involved in the Perl 6 process. The mailing lists are open to
        all. and
        are good starting points with links to the appropriate mailing

    *   Send feedback, flames, money, photographic and writing commissions,
        or a cute little iPod with a huge capacity to satisfy my technolust


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