Clinton Pierce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Yeah, I don't think you can use .local across subs like that.  I think
>> .local means "local to this sub" and *inner subs aren't closures*.  In
>> fact, I don't think inner subs are useful for much of anything at all.

> Aside from that, I think .local should be my mechanism to create lexically scoped 
> names at this level anyway (they serve a different purpose than scratchpads, 
> globals, etc...).

>From imcc/docs/calling_conventions.pod:

Namespaces and lexicals
        - Should imcc keep track of pad opcodes?
        - Should imcc even emit such opcodes from e.g. .local directives?

Currently symbolic variables behave exactly like temporary variables.
They only serve for better readability ("sum" vs. $P123).


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